Queenpin (Syndicate Book 1) Read online

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  I drag the crop down Mason’s spine resting it at his tailbone. “No, you will not be punished. You will only be punished if you don’t speak up to tell me how you feel. This relationship will only work if you are completely honest with me.”

  His eyes are hazy with passion and lust. “Yes, madam.”

  I reach to my back pocket of my outfit where I have something hidden. I’m hoping Mason’s aware of what he’s agreeing to because once he puts this on, he’s mine to do whatever I want with.

  And more than that? I want him to want this as bad as I want it.

  With the collar in my hand, the cool leather warms me, sending shivers of anticipation down my spine. “I need you to look at me,” I tell him.

  His eyes meet mine with a burning passion. “From this moment on, you are mine to do with however I want.”

  Mason looks nervous and excited all at the same time. It’s a fucking turn on to know he’s as into me as I am to him.

  “Are you going to give me rules and all of that?” He blurts.

  I pick up my hand, slapping him gently on the cheek. His eyes flare from the intensity of being smacked in the cheek. “You don’t ask questions unless you are given permission. From this moment on, everything you do, and all your pleasure will be for me. You will trust me from now on and give yourself to me. Do you understand?”

  He nods.

  “I want words. I want you to open your mouth and tell me you understand.”

  “I understand,” he mumbles.

  “From this moment on, you will call me ‘madam’ and Trina will be the only other woman you will have sex with. You will only have sex with her if I allow it. When you come, it’s me that is making you come. When you fuck her pussy with your tongue, it’s my pussy you’re fucking. When you fuck her ass, it’s my ass. Do you understand?”


  “How do you feel?” I question him trying to figure out if I have scared him off or not.

  “Nervous. Turned on.”

  I look over at Trina’s pink cheek-face and see she’s horny as ever. “Are you ready to test out the new dick?” I ask her.

  “Yes, madam. I’m ready,” Trina answers with a spark in her eye.

  “Good. Mason, you are to follow my instructions completely.”

  “Yes, madam.”

  Chapter 22


  I’ve fucked my fair share of women. Hell, I’ve fucked my fair share of women in front of other women, but I’ve never fucked them like this.

  Each swipe of my hand over Trina’s body is like I’m sweeping my hand over Lucian’s body. The woman’s eyes are watching me carefully and I know she’s getting off on it.

  Why can’t I touch her? Doesn’t she want me to touch her?

  Don’t get me wrong, Trina’s gorgeous. Her tits are begging me to play with them, her nipples are a dusty pink color pebbled in the cooler air of the room. Each breath she takes, I know she’s more turned on.

  “Trina,” Lucian’s husky voice interrupts my view of her body. “I want you to suck Mason’s dick.”

  Trina doesn’t need to be asked twice. The woman drops to her knees in front of me, wraps her hand around my dick and swallows me whole. I’m not little, either. I’ve never been average in the length department and the fact that she just swallowed me whole, proves the woman is a pro at this.

  I throw my head back.

  Her tongue massages the tip of my dick and her hand shuttles up and down my shaft. The woman is good at sucking dick, that’s for sure.

  “Trina, shit!” I growl and sink my fingers into her hair. She’s got my dick swallowed down her throat while she massages my balls with her hands. She’s good.

  “Get on your hands and knees, Trina,” Lucian calls out in front of us.

  I fight the urge to tell her to mind her own damn business. Why the fuck is she interrupting me in the middle of a blow job? I don’t interrupt her when she’s busy.

  I growl at her, my eyes narrowing on her pretty face. She looks pissed off at me. She looks even more mad at Trina.

  Trina’s quick to follow directions, getting into the directed position Lucian has asked her to get into. Her ass is the perfect size and shape for me to bury the tip of my dick in.

  “Fuck her from behind,” Lucian directs.

  My eyes waiver from looking at the ready woman in front of me to the woman who’s staring at us from the side of the room. I can tell by the hooded expression on her face, Lucian is as turned as we are. I want to crawl between her legs and eat her pussy until she screams.

  Fuck this. If Lucian wants to be a voyeur and watch me make Trina come so hard, she blacks out, I’ll give her the show she wants.

  I place my hands on Trina’s hips to steady myself and then piston my hips driving myself all the way inside her. She screams out loud, gripping the carpet trying to find purchase. I don’t let up. I slide my fingers around her luscious hips until I feel her pussy lips. Using my fingers, I pinch her clit and fuck her harder than before.

  Every time I drive myself forward, I push her away. I do this until she’s begging me to stop. I’m fucking her harder than I’ve ever fucked a woman before. I love it.

  “Mason! Oh my god!” She cries out.

  I look over to the side to see if Lucian’s watching and she’s gone.

  What the actual fuck? How could she leave like that?

  Chapter 23


  My phone buzzed in my pocket breaking me from my lustful haze of watching Mason fuck Trina from behind. I like to watch from this angle because it gives me the opportunity to watch facial expressions.

  I slide my phone out and wince when I see who it is.

  This is the one phone call that I have been dreading since I got off the streets. I need to return a favor because that’s how things work.

  I walk up the stairs and into my bedroom that I have here and quickly change out of these clothes. I’m not showing up there dressed like this. I need to be in control and wear my “monkey stompin’ boots.”

  Once I’m changed, I run down the stairs past Mason who is getting dressed and Trina who is still naked as can be. I don’t say a word to them as I run out and don’t say anything until I’m in my car. I click the button to call Raul.

  Things have been testy with Raul since our fight this morning. I’m not saying I don’t trust him, but I’m telling you I’m watching him better.

  “Luca. What’s going on? Trina said you ran out when things were starting to get fun.”

  I know damn fucking well that he doesn’t give a shit about what I have going on with Mason. He’s just as big of a gossiper as a group of teenage girls. “Don’t have time for that. Where is Big Heavy at right now? Do you have eyes on them?” I know that Big Heavy is doing this and it’s not going to fucking work.

  He grunts and then I hear a feminine squeal. “Are you busy getting your jollies off while you are on my time clock?” I shout into the steering wheel as I drive towards the Renaissance Building down town. Everything that is bad always happens downtown Detroit and it pisses me off. This is a gorgeous city, but I wish people would take care of it.

  As soon as I park my car in a handi-cap parking spot, I pull the keys out of the ignition and lock my vehicle. Driving an import on the side of town is asking to get mugged. I finger my gun that I have resting in my jeans pocket and walk through the front. I stop at the front desk and see a man there looking at me as if I’m a meal or something.

  Sorry, fucker, but you wouldn’t know what to do with me even if I told you.

  “What’s the quickest way to the suites on the concierge level?” I demand and throw a fifty-dollar bill on to the counter. I know all too well that these guys won’t do anything unless there is some type of incentive for them.

  “Are you a… uh- shit.”

  I reach over the three-foot-wide counter and wrap my hand in his tie. “I am not a hooker, but I can promise you that you will remember this face. Now tell me how to get
there or I am going to knock on every one of these fucking doors until I find what I’m looking for. And I can tell you that I won’t be as nice as I am right now if I have to ask you twice.”

  He points to the stairs and then holds up a couple of fingers. I can see him shaking and I throw down a twenty on the counter. Yeah, it’s not a lot of money, but it’s enough to show him to keep his mouth shut.

  I stroll past him and fly up the stairs. When I reach the door to the room that I’m looking for, I knock lightly and wait. “Answer the door. It’s Lucian.” I call through the door.

  It cracks and I see the broken face of my best friend. The woman that saved me from making mistakes as desperation set in while I was on the streets. She helped me get help. Now, it’s obvious that she stepped in it this time.

  Her left eye is severely swollen shut and her other eye is cracked but just barely enough for her to see. The bottom lip of hers is cut right down the middle and there is blood that is dripping down her chin.

  I drop to my knees in front of her, something I have only done in front of her, and hold out my hand. She takes it and then carefully lowers herself down as well. “What happened, Katie?”

  Once she’s in front of me, she touches my face and then touches hers. It has been so long since someone has touched me nicely. Hell, ever since I became a Queenpin, no one touches me.

  “I tried to save her from doing something that you can’t come back from. And- and… It did work out for her. She got out. But… I had to take her place.” Katie’s delicate hand rubs my tattoo on the inside of my wrist, and I shiver from the contact. “Do you still have it?”

  I nodded and rolled up my sleeve. “I can’t get it removed because then it would raise too many suspicions. Plus, Big Heavy-”

  “Luca, Big Heavy is always going to be here. They are always going to be in your business, and you know it. Look at me. Do you see what they have done to me? I saved you so you didn’t have to live in this constant world of fear. Don’t tell me you are still afraid of them.”

  I have thought of removing my tattoo, but I’m weary about it. I can’t do it in Detroit because they own every single tattoo shop. Plus, there is no fucking way to know how far their reach goes. I became a marked woman when Katie saved me.

  “Where did the girl go off to?”

  She shrugged and then looked at the door. “You know I would have taken your place with Sean, right? I fucking would have stepped in no matter what. I love you, Luca. And now look at you… I can see you still carry that weight with you. When was the last time you let someone touch you?”

  “Stop. I didn’t come all the way over here just to hear you talk to me like that.” I snap but try to ease my words a little but smirking gently. “Do you want to go to the hospital or anything to get that checked?” I point to her eyes, but she shakes her head. “Did they touch you-”

  “Do you want to know the answer to that question? What difference does it make if they forced me to have sex with them? How many of the Big Heavy forced themselves on you?”

  I rub the thirteen tattooed in my wrist and shake my head. “I’m not here to talk about me. I’m here to talk about you. What happened to you?” I couldn’t bare to tell her that I have not had actual consensual sex in my life and I sure the hell couldn’t tell her that I wouldn’t know how.

  I’m Lucian McGrace and that’s not going to change.

  “Exactly what you think happened to me. Nothing less and probably everything more than what you are thinking. But it’s over. Get me out of here. I am ready to get out of here.”

  Katie is a curvy woman with extra padding. So, it must have taken a lot for someone to beat this woman so much. But she saved me from getting jumped by the gang that I belong to and I would lay my life down for her. There is nothing that I wouldn’t do for her.

  I shrug out of my jacket and drape it around her shoulders. It didn’t meet in the middle, but it will cover her exposed skin from the beating that she received. “Do you think we should go to-”

  “Fuck no. The hospital wouldn’t save me nor would they help me in anyway. I have to take care of this. Promise me, Luca, you will let me handle this.” She was pleading with me but as she talked, I could see the dried blood in her mouth as it coated her teeth. She looked as if she had received too many hits to the mouth but that is because she probably did. Her jaw is hanging off to the side and I’m fucking worried that she broke it. There is nothing that I could do to help mend a broken jaw.

  “I’m not promising anything but let’s get out of here before they come back. Where is all of your stuff?”

  She walked around with a limp to gather her shit and shoved it into her bag that she had laying under the chair. It is amazing the amount of ugly that happens in such a beautiful place.

  Katie had everything stuffed in her bag when the door began to rattle. “Open the fucking door! I know you are in there! Open the fucking door right now! Lucian! I know you are in there, too. I swear to fucking god… if you don’t answer the door right now, I’m going to break it down and both of your asses are going to be skinned.”

  “Just a minute!” Katie called out and she started to shake.

  “No! Fuck that!” I hissed in her ear. “You don’t owe them anything! I swear to you that if you open that door, they will own you for the rest of your life and you will never get out. Is that what you want?”


  My eyes widened as Miguel circled me and fingered my hair. I have been wondering when the man with the thirteen tattooed on his face would come back to see me. I have been living in the compound for a little over a week and I have yet to be called on to be jumped-in.

  3-1-3 gang dominated the streets of Detroit but in order to throw of the police, we have been branded with “13” instead. All the same, everyone knows who we are and knows that I am apart of them as well.


  The door rattles and I could hear the wood breaking apart before it splinters. I have my gun aimed right at the door. I start shoving Katie’s shit into the bag on the floor. “Get your shit together because we are out of here. I don’t want to hear anything about it!”

  Katie nods her head quickly and helps shuck her stuff in the bag. “I’m so sorry, Luca!”

  I cut her off and that is when the door crashed open and I see Big Heavy standing in front of us. “Well, well, well. If it isn’t my two favorite girls?”

  My friend’s body starts to vibrate with fear, but I kept my cool. You didn’t get to where I am being a scared little weakling. “Look, Ralf, I know that this is a tricky situation but…”

  Ralf stands at five feet five and one hundred percent full of muscles. I have wanted to fucking shoot this bastard for the past ten years. “You shut your fuckin’ whore mouth!”

  My back straightens and I grab for my knife that I keep tucked in my pocket. “Drop that, Lucian. You forget we grew up on the same streets.”


  “Ralf, Katie is done. She’s wanting to come home. Don’t keep her here because you’re still mad at something that happened ten years ago. It’s over.”

  I drop the knife on the ground and then reach my hand back into my pocket. There is nothing else in there, but it makes me feel better knowing that my hand is covered. Especially since it’s the one that covers my tattoo.

  He steps forward and reaches out to touch my arm. I flinch back because I don’t like being touched at all. “Luca… Luca… Luca… I would gladly trade her in for someone more experienced. Like…. you.”

  I flinch back but he grabs ahold of my throat and his meaty fingers bite into my flesh. White spots cloud the side of my vision and I begin to panic. Pure panic that won’t go away. “No, you don’t want me.”

  Working for Ralf is like asking the devil for a job. There is nothing good that will happen with working for him. “Let me be the judge for that.”

  I feel the panic rise in my throat. Each moment I’m standing in front of Big Heavy is another moment of memories I wi
sh to not remember. They broke my body. All fifteen of them. It didn’t matter that Katie jumped in. The damage had already been done.

  He could kill me all he wants.

  I’m already dead.

  Chapter 24


  Raul catches me before I leave the club. His heavy hand grabs my shoulder and he grunts out a greeting. “Where the fuck do you think you're going?”

  I’m angry at being stopped by this asshole. I can’t believe he would stop me like this. Like I work for him. “Not that it's any of your fucking business, but I'm going home.”

  By the look in his eyes, I can tell he likes that I'm leaving. “Finally realize that Lucian isn’t the wife type?”

  I take out the anger and frustration from Andrew on Raul. He’s pissing me the fuck off. Andrew and Raul are both trying to get me to doubt myself and leave Lucian. I know I’m not a true submissive, but I want Lucian. I want her so badly.

  “What the fuck is your problem with me? I did nothing to you and all you do is grunt and growl at me. Is it because you want Lucian to yourself? Are you jealous?” I spit the words out at him, and he looks surprised. “I'm done with you talking to me like I'm shit. What is your problem?” I demand again.

  A burning sensation and heat hits me across the face. It takes me a second to realize he punched me. He fucking punched me? I form a fist and punch him in the jaw. His head tilts to the side with a wicked smile on his face.

  “Do you know who I am? What I am capable of, little boy? Lucian might be playing with you right now. But it’s only a matter of time before she remembers where she came from. You don’t know the first thing about dating a street chick!” He growls.

  My fists close around the air, trying to stop myself from throwing punches at Raul. I don’t know who he is and I’m not exactly the fighting type. I want to fucking punch him in the face for doubting me. This fucking bastard.

  I find strength I didn’t know I had by shaking out my fists. Instead, I bare my teeth and decide to be the bigger man here.