Adore Me: Mafia Romance (The Lucky Family Book 4) Read online
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"Where are you ladies going?" Leo asked as he walked me towards Bethany's Range Rover.
When he placed his hand on my lower back, I couldn't stop my shriek that fell out of my mouth. Definitely didn't expect that. "I guess only your guys' bars. You can come by later if you want?" I only asked Leo because I expected him to not come and if he did, he would bring Vincent.
He looked to be thinking about something before he closed my door. Leo tipped his head as if he had a hat on and winked at me before walking back into the house. I watched as he walked away and couldn't help but notice how his ass is not nearly as delicious as Vincent's.
I need to get laid. Like, bad. I went through such a long dry spell before Vincent and now my body knows what kind of pleasure it could have. Believe me, I have considered taking Vincent for a ride a time or two... but...
I sat in the back seat and waited for my friends to come to the car which is annoying me. When I spend time by myself, I begin to think about everything in depth. Frustration is laced through my deep breaths and no matter how many times I try to calm myself down, the only idea that could calm me is Vincent.
Going back to him would be easy and everyone wouldn't judge me. The reasons why I am taking so long is because I want to make damn sure that he can give me the type of attention that I need. Yes, he gave me attention, but I want more than sex. We have fantastic chemistry and I love him so much, but our relationship needs to be more than what we do in the bedroom. I want our lives to be blended and complement each other and I worry that it won't happen. So, until I know for sure, I am going to wait it out. I never used to understand why people used to say give me a sign, but I do now.
The car doors opened in the front and the jiggled as they moved to get in the car. "Okay, let's go!" Bethany said as she sat in her seat and gave Johnny a kiss goodbye.
"Oh, my word! Let's go!" I said sarcastically. "We get it! You're in love!" I hoping my sarcasm covers me jealously over their relationships that seems perfect in every possible way.
Johnny kissed Bethany's one more time before looking into the backseat and his killer brown eyes penetrated me. "Don't be a bitch because you know you made a mistake." My mouth dropped and he walked away.
As we drove, the girls talked about their businesses and asked how I was feeling. I felt awful because they told me that Anne and Ronnie are having a hard time since they have been alienated. Part of me wanted to reach out to her and be there for her, but I couldn't let the flame out of my hurt feelings. I knew that I would eventually forgive her, and it would be sooner rather than later. We have never managed to go this long without talking.
When we got to the bar, Bethany pulled into the valet section, and the valet driver must have recognized her because he allowed her to cut right in the line. The three of us entered the bar and did not even get stopped once. This is pretty nice. I could get used to this.
"What are you ladies drinking?" A very cute and young Italian man asked as he stared us all down. I suddenly felt self-conscience about myself, but I didn't let it show.
"Um, we will take three sex on the beaches and make them dirty!" I exclaimed as I handed my card to the server to pay for the first round. My hand that held the card stood in suspension while I questioned him with my eyes as to why he wasn't accepting it.
"No, need," he walked away without my card.
"Seriously, when are you going to learn!" Annabeth teased me as she moved to the side of the table for the cute waiter to place our drinks down. The server winked at us and then scurried off. "Just because you think and might want yourself to want to be broken up, you aren't."
This was a battle that I am not going to be a victor at so it’s best to leave it. I rolled my eyes and chugged my drink. The deejay was playing some fun club music and I couldn't help but find myself dancing in my seat. Towards the bottom of my drink, I stood up. "Let's dance!" I chugged the rest of it then slammed my glass on the table and scooted off the seat.
"Okay!" Bethany exclaimed as she scooched off her seat.
"Wait, ladies!" The server came running up to us with a tray of refills. "Here are some fresh ones," he handed us the drinks and then took our old glasses.
Annabeth led us to the middle of the floor and started to sway her hips. Bethany and I followed her lead and started dancing on each other. The music was very loud, so it was impossible to hear what anyone had to say unless you got very close to them.
But that's okay, I don't want to talk. I want to lose myself for at least tonight. Tonight, I don't want to think about how mad I am at myself for tormenting both Vincent and me.
We danced for about three songs by ourselves and then a group of three men came up and started to dance with us. They were pretty cute. Not Italian I could tell, but still had a dark look about them... I humored them and danced with the one that paid attention to me.
"What's your name?" He asked in my ear as he put his arms around my waist to get close to me. I smelled the bourbon on his breath as it cascaded down my cheek. For just meeting, he sure is friendly.
I didn't want to tell him my real name. What if this is one of those spy games? I racked my head to come up with an alter ego. After looking around the bar hoping to find a name, I decided on: "Octlyn." It’s a completely made up name and I knew that if he were to try to Facebook stalk me, he would never be able to find me. So, I told him that was my name.
"I am Jack. It’s nice to meet you," he got really snugly with my back as we were facing our fronts.
We danced for about two songs. Even though he was cute, I couldn't stop thinking about Vincent. He was on my mind and I craved his touch. I was wishing so hard that he would just come up and hold me, but I thought it was a good idea to break up. Holy crap am I ever regretting that decision.
I peeled Jack's arms off of my waist and headed towards Annabeth and Bethany who are wrapped in a dirty dance with men. Jack kept calling my name, but I totally ignored him. The girls were in the middle dancing with their spouses, and I really felt alone. I turned away from them and felt someone tap my shoulder once I got up to the bar.
"You know you are making him really mad," I turned and faced Vinny. "Vincent is trying really hard to give you space but do you honestly need to be dancing with a lackey? When are you going to realize that he is insane for you?"
Chapter 4
Watching Savannah dance with a prospect was murder. We were all sitting in the office space discussing who should sell which bar and how much we were going to get out of it. No matter how many times I told myself to focus, I couldn't stop looking at her.
I see Savannah the moment she arrived. Her blonde hair flew around her as she danced with him. I was happy that Vinny was there because he always knew how to calm me down. This would be child's play if I were to just shoot him and burying his body which wouldn't take much at all. However, the boss doesn't want too much blood on our hands and killing a prospect will be bad for business.
This whole "on a break" business is just her way of hurting me. I doubt she is even aware of how much it hurts to smell her shampoo and watch her walk around my house when she thinks that I am gone. I don't really leave my house. I have become very reclusive and I hope that Savannah will come to her senses because I can't take this anymore.
"Moretti, are you okay?" We both took a sip of scotch and I closed the book.
"No, I am not. This is like watching Mary all over again. I can't stand that she is dancing with that idiot and I can't touch her because she doesn't know what she wants." My feelings started to surface, and I hated it. There was no way I was going to tell them that by her sleeping in my house, I was dying. I knew when she got up and went to bed. Knowing that she was naked in a shower made my dick rock hard and my hands are beginning to cramp.
Mary used to flaunt the men that she was seeing on the side in front of my face constantly just to hurt me. I would have thought since her father was in the family before, he got killed, that she would understand tha
t my life wasn't my own anymore.
I still remember the conversation we had when we both realized that it was time to break up and get divorced.
Mary walked into our house and immediately went upstairs to take a shower. I am not stupid, and I know she was washing off the man she just slept with. I followed her upstairs and sat on our bed and waited for her to come out of the bathroom.
I noticed her wedding set on the bathroom counter, and I realized that she didn't have it on when it on have when she came into the house. Mary hasn't been wearing the three-carat diamond ring lately and I am tired of being made a fool.
She came out of the shower naked and started towards me. I used to think she was the most beautiful woman ever but now she makes me want to throw up. "Don't," my tone was sharp, and she stopped.
"Babe, what's wrong? Don't you want me to make you feel good?" That fake innocent voice of hers- is not fooling me.
I threw up a little in my mouth. Sure, I would feel good while we were fucking, but after I would feel dirty. "How many men are you sleeping right now?"
My question threw her off because she took a step back and then ran to get her bathrobe. Mary walked back in front of me while tying a robe that I have never seen before. There is a gap in her chest area that showcased her boobs to me. "What are you talking about?"
I looked away from her and pulled a file of photos from my bedside table and threw them on the floor in front of her. "For once, just tell the truth."
Mary bent down and opened the file while the pictures fell on the ground. "I... um... um... I..."
There was nothing she could say to get out of this. The pictures are of her and three different men. "You what, Mary?"
She fell to the ground and cried while sitting back on her heels. I watched as she faked cried and peeked through her fingers at me. Here it comes. "This is all your fault!" I knew she is going to blame me. "If you were to pay attention to me more!"
I didn't see the point of arguing with her and telling her that she knew all of this from the beginning. "We should just cut our loses."
Mary stood up and started throwing things which is what she does when she is mad. There is nothing that can be done or said to undo this. We're over.
"I am going to go talk to her." He left and I see them talking when he got downstairs.
I watched from the window and seen Savannah look around. Vinny probably told her that she needs to stop acting like this and now she was looking for me.
I am right here, baby. Right here whenever you are ready to stop hurting us.
Chapter 5
I took a long drink from my cup and took a good look around. "He's here? Where is he?" I bobbed and weaved to look over his shoulders to get a look at him.
"In his office. I wouldn't go to him right now. He is in a meeting." Vinny is normally a happy man but now he is looking at me like I am just an annoying bug who won't die.
I clinched my cup and wanted it to break. The pain would give me something to focus on if the glass shards were to pierce my skin. If I were to start crying because I feel like a social leper, I could blame it on the cuts. "Meeting? Of course! Now I am reminded on why I am sleeping in a different room than the man that I want to be with. Because he is always in a meeting! Damn it!" I screamed at him and then chugged the rest of my drink. "I am going to get a snack. Tell the girls thanks for me." Vinny opened his mouth, but I handed my cup to him and walked to the door before even checking to see if he caught my glass.
"Wait, where are you going?" Jack stopped me on my way out the door.
"Going to get something to eat. This has been nice. Nice to have met you," I walked away from him with a purpose and got outside to go to the diner. I wanted food so I could eat my feelings and hope that it makes me feel good. Something greasy and totally bad for me. While I eat it, I hope to feel batter, but I know that tomorrow I will wake up feeling like a gluttonous pig.
He followed me out and kept trying to put his arm around my waist. I didn't want him to touch me. That is something that I never did fully understand. Why strangers touch another stranger. I know for a fact that I haven't been giving off any vibes that would even encourage this. Jack must have been getting frustrated with me because I kept bypassing his hold.
Under his breath he whispered, "Fucking tease."
This made me very mad. I spun and looked at his face. Well, I didn't just see his face. I realized that Vincent was walking behind us. He turned away probably trying to make it seem like he wasn't following me and then turned back to walk past us.
My body was straight, and I drew strength and courage from the ground as I faced him to let him know what is on my mind. "You know what, Jack? You can go and fuck yourself," I formed a fist and punched him in his chin. My hand hurt and it threw off my balance of favoring my shoulder. Yeah, not a smart move on my part.
Chapter 6
He fell to the sidewalk as I walked away. I really wanted to see where Vincent ran off to, but I kept walking away. The diner looked like a beacon with red lights flashing. As I got to the diner doors, Annabeth, Bethany and their guys were already in there. I guess I got my answer, Vincent was sitting with them. I'm pretty sure that he saw me come in, but he didn't make it obvious if he did or not.
I smiled at them as I walked over to sit at the diner's bar. They were Vincent's friends before mine and he deserved to have some alone time without me complicating it. I would totally leave if there was another restaurant that were open right now because I didn't want to create a conflict or anything. I have had enough drama to last me my lifetime.
The diner is set up like an old one would have been. The colors are red and green with black tiled floors. Each booth is a different size between being circular or square and long or short. The only sitting area that has actual chairs is the bar which is long but wraps around the entire restaurant. It’s very neat since it faces the dining area.
"Hey, come over here!" Bethany stated.
I scanned the table and seen everyone smiling besides Vincent. He got out of his seat and started to walk away. He didn't have to leave and now I feel even worse.
"I will see you guys later," he said as he walked to the door. I felt the ice as it projected its cold feeling. The coldness that I felt, made me shiver.
I don't like him being so... I don't know! I want him to be how he always is with me. "Wait," I was thinking it and I must have said it out loud because Vincent turned around.
Vincent turned to face me, but his face wasn't warm how it always was when he looked at me. He looked as if he were hurting. I am the biggest bitch ever. I hurt this beautiful man and I hurt myself. "What?" The acrimonious tone that he used scared the daylights out of me. No wonder he is feared throughout the underworld. I am petrified of just his voice alone and I miss the doting and piety tone from before. He didn't come any closer to me and I didn't like that. I wanted him to embrace me.
I needed to fix this somehow. How would I even fix it? I am so worried that I have broken us to the point where glue and tape won't put us back together. "Will you eat with me and then walk me home?" I asked him as I held his gaze. Vincent didn't say anything as he looked over my face and then the group's. I honestly thought he was going to tell me no.
I swear, you could hear crickets. While he processed what I said, I worried that he would shut me down. How embarrassing would that be? I would just die from mortification. Floor swallow me whole!
"Do it, honey!' Annabeth said as she took a drink from her coffee cup and snuggled into a hug. "If you don't, I will kick your ass."
"Okay, if you insist," he walked past me but didn't touch me. I sat first in the snug booth next to Johnny. "I am trying to give you space but you are making it hard," he whispered in my ear. Vincent's breath was so hot on my cheek that I had to remind myself to breathe.
"I know you are," the waitress came up to take our orders. "A bacon cheeseburger with fries," I said as I handed her my menu and took a drink of my iced tea. "I am famished, guy
Everyone laughed and I couldn't help but want to touch Vincent especially with invading my nose with his spicy cologne. My hand keeps creeping towards him. Vincent must have noticed what I was doing because I'm failing on being discreet. Or trying to not do, for that matter.
"You are making it hard for me," he whispers as he brushed my hair out of my face. Where he touched me, my skin tingled, and my heartbeat jump started. "I am dying to kiss you," I closed my eyes and let his words wash over me. "I have been dying to touch you and hold you for what feels like an eternity." I leaned back against the booth's back and squeezed my eyes tighter. "I need to leave. I can't be this close to you and not touch you or kiss you," he whispered in my ear. I forgot that everyone was there until Vincent stood up. "I will see you tomorrow," he walked away.
I shot out of my seat and ran as skilled as a slightly intoxicated woman could in high heels. He turned around as I ran into his core. My arms wrapped around his neck and I pulled his face to mine. "Kiss me, please," I begged. His words sounded so good and I wanted him to keep talking to me.