Prince: Diablos MC (Diablos MC Series Book 2) Page 3
Elle’s face contorts into emotion, but she quickly schools it. “Fine. As long as they get paid.”
I walk past Elle to knock on the bathroom door to let Beast and Bella know we’re ready. We need to get her out of here before it’s too late. Once those fuckers know this was a set up, we’re all going to die.
With one knock on the door, I’m not surprised to see Bella, Beast’s ol’ lady, push past me and grabbing Elle by the shoulders to shake her. She’s crying as she holds her in her hands.
“Are you okay?” She begs repeatedly trying to get Elle to answer her, but she doesn’t.
Instead, Elle looks blankly towards the wall trying to see what’s going to happen. I don’t think she cares about what’s going to happen in her life at this point.
Poor fucking girl.
“I don’t do threesomes unless I get paid more,” Elle quips with a little sass.
“You don’t know who I am?” Bella cries out.
Beast’s standing next to me with his shoulders hunched over trying to protect himself from the shit storm that’s about to brew. Beast is a recovering addict and I know he knows Elle’s on something.
“Any ideas on what it is?”
I shake my head. “She’s covered in bruises. Those fuckers really fucked her over. The girl needs detox. Bad. I wouldn’t be surprised if she didn’t have broken bones too.”
The way Elle has been holding her body, I would be more surprised if she didn’t have broken bones.
Chapter Six: Chloe
One of the hardest parts about coming back to the sex trafficking unit after having a set of twins, is coming back. Even after being gone for a few months, the traffickers still pedal their flesh and sell sex of barely aged women to perverts.
It’s my job to catch them and shut them down before they do it again.
After shutting down and the rightful convictions of a sex trafficking ring in Las Vegas, I have been a hot commodity. Many of the other agencies are looking for me to help them and I’m back now.
“Hey, Delacruz! Welcome back!”
I nod my head to my old friend and now fiancé, Howard. “Howard!” I chime over the clapping everyone is doing as I walk into my old office.
With the convictions of Vlad and Dom, the leaders of the sex trafficking ring I busted up in Las Vegas, now behind bars, I’m able to focus on the bigger picture. Their bosses.
The Cavalari Family.
“What do we have on the Cavalari Family?” I question as I shrug out of my coat.
The rain has been brutal in Colorado lately, and I’m starting to feel a little stuffed up in the nose. The last thing I want to do is get sick and pass if on to my seven month old twins, Claire and Tristan.
Howard is the perfect father these twins could ever have and he loves them as if they were his own. It just so happens, they belong to my old friend, Grant.
Now, that’s a story for another time before I went undercover as Anya Katz, the madam for the ring.
A situation where I still see the “ther-rapist” on a regular basis. I had to wait this long to get cleared to come back to work. Luckily for me, I was able to get workman’s comp for it.
“Delacruz, I got something for you!” Kyle shouts out over the partition between our cubicles.
Kyle’s been with the agency for a few months, but he has a lot to learn. Howard has taken him under wing to help guide him. He’s not a bad looking guy at six feet and full of lean muscle. I could see why the ladies love him here.
I’m happy with Howard, though. I have no interest on messing that up which is totally strange for me. I have never believed in monogamy after my father cheated on my mother for all those years. The thought of being with one person for the rest of my life was a little too much for me to handle.
Luckily for me, Howard is as big as a horn dog as me. He understands the work we do is important and knows what to do to make me happy.
I love the man.
“Yeah, Kyle?” I ask over my first bad coffee in eighteen months. I didn’t touch the stuff when I was pregnant with the twins, and I didn’t brew a pot of nasty coffee to drink it at home.
The bitter taste flows down my throat and makes me wince. Yeah, I’m missing my Keurig already.
“Rumor has it The Diablos MC found one of the missing girls you’ve been looking for.”
My head jerks up. Is he talking about Emily or any of the girls I have been trying to hunt down that got sold off by the family before I was able to save them? I hope he’s talking about one of them. I have been scouring over every end of research I have available to find her.
“We don’t know her real name, but rumor has it, her dad sold her and is out on the lam.”
“Mother fucker,” I mumble under my breath. This happens more often than not. Your children are not your bargaining chips, people!
I feel the urge to slam my hand down when another knock hits the partition.
It’s Grant.
I wave at him, not ready to give him the kind of greeting he deserves. Like getting kicked in the balls. Sure, I forgave him for sleeping with my former best friend, Christine. But I haven’t forgiven him for lying about his old pregnant girlfriend, Kayla.
He smiles at me. “Yo, how’re you doin’?” He asks.
His eyes look sunken in to his skull. “Good, you?”
“I’ve had better days. Did you hear about the Cavalari Family?”
“Yep. Already working on it. I’m really busy. I’ll talk to you later,” I dismiss him.
He nods his head before turning his back on me. Something he has been good at for all of our friendship.
I need to meet up with The Diablos MC to see if they have any intel on who this girl is.
I’m wondering if she’s Emily and if she can lead me to finding my brother, Barry.
With some quick research, I find out their club address and some of the businesses they run to legitimize their organization. After that, I do the same with The Cavalari Family.
It is important to know everything you can about the people you are needing to infiltrate.
Chapter Seven: Prince
“We need to get out of here, right now!” I demand and point at the door which is where the mobsters are supposedly listening to us.
I know they are waiting to hear something, anything that will help them know if I was done yet.
What kind of sick fuck would fuck someone who’s passed out from an overdose? My dick about fell off at the thought of fucking her in her current condition.
I rub the back of my neck considering my next move. I should have thought about the fact Two Face and Big Tony would be listening to us in the room. I don’t know why I didn’t factor in that mere detail. They are the vilest people I have ever met and they don’t give two shits about privacy.
Elle is their property.
That’s when the idea clicks. “Bella, I want you to stay with your sister. Do not let them inside. I swear to all that is fuckin’ holy if you let them in, they will sell the both of you.”
Bella’s eyes widen as she takes in my words.
“Prez, did you really have to say that to her?” Beast snaps at me.
“You know as well as I do, they would love to get their hands on the two. To really stick it to their dad.”
He shrugs, looking back at his ol’ lady. “Sorry, baby. You need to stay with her.”
Bella’s eyes are full of fear. “What did they do to my sister?”
I shake my head. “I can’t get into that right now. We need to get her own Diablos’ property now.”
Beast nudges me as he pulls out his Glock. “You ready?”
I nod. “Yeah, man. Let’s end this shit so we can go home!”
With my Glock locked and loaded, I’m ready to throw open the door to get this going. The quicker we get it done, the better we have a chance of getting out alive. My main concern is for the girls and my brother. I don’t give two shits about me.
I have my hand on the doo
r when I hear a scream that makes my knees knock together. Spinning on my feet, I see Elle curled into a ball with her hands over her stomach. “It hurts! It hurts. I need something. Help!”
I shake my head at Bella whose eyes have now welled up with tears. I knew she wouldn’t understand the first thing about addiction even though she has been dealing with Beast’s sobriety over cocaine. It’s different when it’s someone who’s your family struggling with the disease.
“Do not cave, Bella,” I bark at her.
Beast hits my arm to get my attention. “Dude, do you have to be such a dick to my woman?”
I want to growl at the asshole. He’s been acting like he’s got an ax to grind with me ever since I caught him trying to sniff some coke up his nose.
“You going to give me shit, too?”
He shakes his head. I can tell he wised up to the fact that I’m in this shit because of his woman. If it wouldn’t have been for his woman’s father trying to sell his daughters to the enemy, we wouldn’t be here.
We wouldn’t be about to face off with the Italian mafia.
I look up at the sky as if to tell my own daughter I will be on my way to see her. I would love to see her once more. To hear her laugh.
To hold her.
Just once more.
The back of my eyes begin to tingle from my melancholy thoughts. I knew I would begin to think about that precious baby the minute I started getting ready to take on these fuckers.
I rub my heart with my spare hand to help ease the pain. No parent should have to watch their kid go through that. No one should have to watch their loved one wilt away in front of them. There is no easing this pain.
Elle’s scream of her pain is loud enough to get those assholes knocking on the door.
“Plan has changed!” I whisper/yell towards Beast. “Bella, get down!” She falls to her knees, crawling in between the bed and the wall to the bathroom.
That’s when the door busts open and the two fuckers are glowering at me with their guns raised. Our guns are quicker though.
It’s quick. They didn’t realize who I was, that’s their problem. They didn’t do the research before leaving their prized slave in my hands.
Our guns all fire quickly, the smoke billowing out of the barrels of the guns. The Italians fall to the ground without even saying anything. It’s their fault they didn’t look into my background.
The scream is what got my attention.
I look behind me to see a man standing over Elle with a syringe in his hands and an evil smirk on his face.
“Who the fuck are you?” I bark, jumping over the dead body parts that stand in my way.
“Too late,” he smiles and presses down on the syringe. The numbing drug is already making its way through Elle.
“Fuck you!” I yell and aim my gun at the guy’s head.
The Italian man who pumped the drugs into Elle falls on top of Bella. The poor woman screams and moves her hands quickly.
“Help! Help!”
Beast is quick to help his woman, but my interest is on Elle.
I reach into my pocket to send the text to Dragon that we need help right now. I know it’s only a matter of time before he rounds the corner to grab Elle and help her detox. She needs it badly.
The woman’s got so much drugs in her system, I wouldn’t be surprised if she passed out from it.
Elle’s eyes are rolled to the back of her head, her body completely still as the drugs work their way through.
“We have to move!” I shout, leaning over Elle’s body. She’s stock still with her skin turning gray. I gently pick up her body, even though she’s still naked, cradling her to my body. She’s so skinny, her bones are poking me as I’m carrying her. “Get the door!” I yell at Beast.
Beast’s holding Bella to him as he throws open the door for us to get out.
“Wait!” Beast exclaims. I’m about to open my mouth when I hear it. “There’s a phone ringing!”
I know it’s not any of ours. We wouldn’t risk the mafia getting ahold of our phones and then finding out information.
These assholes are sneaky.
I follow the ringing with my ear, then kick over Two Face’s body with my boot. His phone is popping out of his pocket just enough for me to see the name on it.
He’s not dead. I know he isn’t.
“We need that phone,” I call out to Beast and walk through the door to the awaiting van. I never would have thought Elle would be this badly off.
This chick is about to go through some major withdraws.
Chapter Eight: Elle
My body is hot and cold at the same time. Everything hurts that is touching my body. The thin sheet covering me, feels as if it is cast-iron and weighs over a hundred pounds.
My head pounds and aches from lack of every basic nutrient needed to survive in this world. Worse than that, I’m starved for sun light.
There’s a little spark of light coming from underneath the door that drags my eyes to it. It hurts to move my head to even look at the light. Why does my whole body hurt?
Did Two Face forget to give me my drugs again? Is he trying to get me clean? If that’s the case, then I’m fucked. I’m truly fucked if he’s trying to detox me.
That would mean he wants to kill me. He would want to have sex with me again, sell me to the highest bidder that night and then kill me. He wouldn’t waste the good shit on a junky whore he’s about to kill.
My stomach lurches at the thought of seeing Two Face right now. He’s probably watching through the cracks in the door loving every minute of watching his dirty whore go through withdrawals.
I place my hand on my stomach to stop it from churning, but it doesn’t work. Nothing is going to ease this pain besides getting high again. I need to find some shit quick.
I try to push the blanket off of me to get up, but my hands feel as if they are tied down by lead. My tongue sticks to the roof of my mouth, and I taste blood. There’s blood from being so thirsty in my mouth and it hurts. It stings. It tastes bad.
There’s a slight knocking on the door, and I jump. I jump to cover myself in fear over who could be on the other side of the door.
The sudden movement, makes my whole body hurt. I cry out in pain from it.
All of a sudden, there’s someone poking a bald head through the door crack. “Hello?” A deep baritone voice says.
“Who are you?” I croak out.
“The name’s Dragon. I’m here to check on you.”
I try to shake my head to stop him from coming in. That’s when I realize I have no idea where I am. “Where am I?”
“You’re at The Diablos MC. We saved you from The Cavalari Family a couple days ago.”
He starts to come in through the door and sits on the bed. He has his hands out to show me he doesn’t mean any harm. I shake a little on the bed. I’m not ready to have sex sober. I haven’t had sober sex ever.
“I’m not… uh, ready for this…” I croak.
He shakes his head. “Elle, I’m not here to fuck you. Baby, I’m not here for that kind of visit. I’m here to ask you some serious questions about what happened to you. I need to know what they gave you.”
“What do you mean?” I take in the intimidating man who’s sitting on the edge of the bed. He has a shaved head, a full beard and his neck has tattoos covering it. He looks scary as shit.
But attractive all at the same time.
He rests his hand on my leg. The pressure from his meaty hand, has me wincing again. I didn’t realize how bruised the leg was until he touched it.
Dragon must sense my discomfort because he lifts the edge of the blanket to look at my leg. “Is there any part on your body not bruised?”
“I don’t know.”
“What kind of drugs did they give you?” He asks again.
“I don’t know. I don’t know anything,” I whimper.
“What can I do to make you feel better?”
“There’s nothing. There’s nothing that can be done. It’s only a matter of time before Two Face comes and gets me.”
“You’ve been detoxing for a few days now. Elle, the drugs are workin’ their way out of your system as we speak.”