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Adore Me: Mafia Romance (The Lucky Family Book 4) Page 4

  I laughed and she ruffled the puppy's head. "You do love him, right?" She asked me. I knew she was talking about Vincent.

  I took a minute to answer. "Yes, more than I ever felt before. I just want him to want me. Does that make sense?"

  "Yes, walk me out? Don't forget the puppy!" She said as I pouted while walking her out my door to walk down the stairs. I hugged her goodbye and climbed the stairs back to my room.

  Chapter 9

  We were on our second horror movie and third bowl of popcorn when the doorbell rang. We were all having a slumber party for Anne's birthday. Tracy, Kate, and I have eaten ourselves into a sugar coma and have changed into our pajamas to be more comfortable.

  Anne's house is so big, and her parents are letting us stay up all night in the den. The Thomas’ family have a big television with a stack of movies to go along with it. The four of us have taken all of the couch cushions and pillows to place them on the floor for us to have a fort.

  The doorbell rang again, and I heard the shuffles of feet as they walked to the door. Whomever was here, was talking very quietly and we couldn't even hear them with our ears pressed to the walls.

  "Who do you think is here? Isn't it late?" Asked Kate who has been fighting sleep for the whole movie.

  Tracy placed her ear on the door to the den and sighed. "I can't hear anything!" She grew quiet and all three of us looked at her with wide eyes. "They are coming!"

  The four of us jumped over the couch and settled back onto our fort bed. My heart was beating so fast and I grew so nervous. We played it off like we have been watching television this whole time so when her parents came in, hopefully they wouldn't know that we were listening.

  Mrs. Thomas tapped me on the shoulder and when I looked back at her, I could see her eyes were red and so were her cheeks. Standing behind her were police officers and they looked very sad. "Savannah, can you come here please."

  I got out of my corner of the fort bed and followed them out of the room. We all got matching pajamas for the party and slippers as a party favor, so I slipped into mine. Anne looked out past the door and is watching me very closely. The police officers are wearing their blue uniforms that prove they are local officers and they both have grim faces.

  "Savannah?" I nod and the female officer with short red hair, smiled a sad smile. "Are your parents Kent and Ashley?"

  A pain of gloom flushed through me and I begin to panic. "Yes. Where are they?" Tears flood my eyes and Mrs. Thomas wraps her arm around my shoulders.

  "Sweetie, just listen to what the officers have to say and know that everything will be all right."

  I sniffled and felt the tears make tracks down my cheeks. "Why are you here?"

  The second officer was a man with a military haircut and a beefy frame. He made me afraid of what was going to be said. This officer reminds me of the times when Mom and Dad take me to the doctors to get shots and they need a big orderly to hold me down. I hope he isn't here to hold me down. With a morose smile he placed his hand on my arm. "I am really sorry, but they were in a car accident tonight."

  I hedged and shook off Mrs. Thomas from her grasp on me. "Where are they? Are they all right?"

  Both the female and the male officers exchanged tight-lipped smiles. "They are at the hospital," the male officer said.

  I ran towards the door kicking off the slippers and shoved my feet into my winter boots that I was wearing earlier while we played in the snow. Anne's birthday always falls during winter break so sometimes we spend the whole week off switching off from my house her house. Since we are both the only child, we share Christmas presents and our parents usually collaborate on our presents so we could play together. This Christmas, she got a Barbie Dream House and I got the Barbie RV.

  Mr. Thomas wrapped his hand around my elbow to stop me from putting on my winter jacket. I fought against him until he wrapped me in a hug. "Listen to what they have to say."

  Begrudgingly, I turned and waited. "Your parents died upon impact. I am so sorry," the female officer said.

  My knees gave out and before I landed or regained my balance, everything went black.

  Someone is shaking my arm and it’s getting annoying. Why can't they just let me sleep? I feel so tired and my eyes burned and stung when I managed to pry them open. I blinked twice to clear the haze that covered my eyes and looked around. Why are all of these people staring at me?

  "Savannah, honey, are you all right?" Mrs. Thomas said, and I looked around to notice that I was laying on the couch.

  "My head hurts." My eyes focused and I noticed two people wearing a police uniform. "Who are they?" I pointed to the officers and Mr. Thomas pushed my index finger down. He is always after us about manners.

  "They are police officers, Vans," Anne said and rubbed my hand.

  Wait... the hole in my heart is starting to become bigger and bigger until my chest cavity becomes tighter. "It really happened?"

  The female officer nodded and squatted down next to me. "Your parents have a lawyer on retainer, and he will be meeting us down at the station. We need you to come with us so we can review arrangements."

  "Your friend and Mrs. Thomas are going to come down with you, so you won't be alone. Do you want to change out of your pajamas?"

  I shook my head and a few hands helped me off the couch. I never knew that horrific pain like this existed. Am I even feeling pain? I can't even describe the amount of... something that is flooding through my body... is feeling.

  Mrs. Thomas drove both Anne and me to the police station and we were immediately directed to a sterile room without any windows. The plastic chairs we sat in were so hard that I am sure the floor would be more comfortable.

  A man who looked older than a grandfather came into the room carrying a nice-looking briefcase. I didn't know what time it was, but I am surprised he is wearing a suit. "Hello, Savannah. I am Joe Long, your parents' estate attorney. I am sorry that we are meeting like this."

  I just nodded and adjusted myself in the plastic chair. Comfort was obviously not going to happen, so I just stood up and paced the room. An imaginary circle formed in the floor as I paced it. My eyes have dried but my cheeks feel crunchy from the tears that passed down them.

  The lawyer looked through some files and adjusted some papers out on the table. After he had everything arranged, he gestured for me to sit down. "Unfortunately, we never got to the part of custody. As you know, both of your parents were only children and their parents are dead... so where you will be staying is up in the air. Today, we will get you set up in a foster home until we can set up other arrangements with the court."

  What is he saying? Did he just tell me that I don't have any place to live? What happened to my house that we all lived in? Would my tree house that Dad and I built still be there? What about my growth chart and the playroom where Mom and I would dress up and play Princess? Are they going to take my room away too?

  As I was thinking about how my world has ended in a matter of hours and how it is going to feel when I no longer will have breakfast with Mom and Dad or hear them tell jokes about their day; the people in the room were still talking.

  "Mr. Long," Mrs. Thomas stated and rubbed Anne's arm, "she just found out about this and now you want to put her through the foster system? This girl is my daughter's best friend and she will come live with us."

  Before anyone can interject, Maddie, my housekeeper, shows up with bags full of my things and looked at me with blotchy cheeks. "I am so sorry, sweet girl." She turned away and I looked down at the bags.

  These bags are my life now. Everything that I own is in them and now I am being directed back to Anne's car. I carried a bag off to the car as well and the weight of what happened sinks in more and more.

  "Vans, I am so sorry," she whispers as she hugs me. "We will be your family."

  Nothing seems to be sinking in and I don't know if I wanted it to. The one thing that has sunk in: My life will never be the same.

  For four months, I
was allowed to mope around the guest room which has now been changed into my room. I wanted to smash all of my dolls and rip the Barbie's heads off, but none of that will bring my parents back. Court proceedings have granted the Thomas' as my legal guardians and they get a stipend from the state for taking care of me.

  I was allowed to take the rest of the school year off and then I had to go back. Everyone in my grade were talking about me and giving me sad looks of pity. I hated all of them. Anne and I shared the same classes and became more like sisters than just best friends. A new normalcy has taken over and I hated it.

  The more time that passed, meant that they really are gone, and they are never coming back. I haven't been allowed into my old house and the lawyer said that I never will be allowed back in there. I want to go back to see if they are just there and are living a vacation. Maybe all of this is a dream.

  The nightmare continued and never stopped.

  Chapter 10

  Alone. So lonely. I felt it when it was quiet, and I was in my room. Alone. The get together must have ended because I didn't hear anything outside of the door to my room.

  I haven't dreamed of what that year was like in a few years. Every time I dream it, I think the ending will be different. The ending never changes, and I remember the For-Sale sign in front of my house and everything being sold at auctions to be put aside for my schooling.

  I needed Vincent to hold me. I opened the door and crept across the hall to Vincent's room. He had the fireplace on, so I knew he was in there. I walked over to his bed, and jumped in. He was sleeping on his side towards the door, so I spooned him from the other side and fell asleep.


  I awoke to bright lights and Vincent next to me. He had his arm draped around my waist. As much as I wanted to stay, I knew that I had to leave before he woke up. I peeled off his arm and walked quietly towards the door. He didn't wake up and I walked to my own room.

  For the next two nights I would sneak into his room and cuddle with him. I didn't want him to know what I was doing, so I never left a trace.


  On Monday, it was time for me to go back to work. I put on a Chanel suit that was peach and a pair of black pumps; I feel good in them. With my makeup and hair flawlessly done, I emerged from my room and came across a package. I opened the box but read the note first.

  I hope you have as beautiful day as you are beautiful. Love Vincent.

  I pulled the lid off and seen a spa kit. Bath salts and scrubs, loofahs and nail polish. At the bottom of the box was a gift certificate to get a massage. Why does he do this to me? I am trying to prove to myself that we should be broken up but every minute that passes I am reminded of how much I do care for him and crave him. It’s become a sick obsession. I have to stop myself from going into the great room when he is with his family members. All I want to do is just rape him.

  Soon. Hopefully soon.

  "Hey, Savannah!" Leo yelled from the great room. "Next time you try to sneak out, take off your high heels."

  I peered into the room and my eyes floated and met Ronnie. When did they stop being mad at each other? "Ronnie. What are you...”? I couldn't ask what he is doing here because that is not my place.

  It was a surprise to see him here and looking like his old self. "We reconciled. Have a good day at work," he smiled at me and I wanted to kill him and hug him at the same time.

  "Thanks," I started for the door and heard them laughing. I ran back into the room and gave all of them the death stare. "What?" I demanded.

  "Nothing, love. See you later tonight," Johnny said with a big smile on his face.

  "You guys are weird."

  My phone started to ring as I walked through the foyer. "Savannah Cavanaugh."

  "Hi, my name is Alphonse Stuart. I wanted you to list a new complex that I have built in the village. All of the apartments are to be listed." The man on the other end of the phone had a deep voice and sounded rather young.

  I felt so giddy and excited I wanted to scream! "That sounds great. Something that I would be very interested in. One question, Mr. Stuart, how did you receive my number?" I looked at the phone and noticed that it was my business phone.

  "Sammy Krosilo gave it to me. He is a lawyer that is a part of my building crew."

  I walked back into the great room and glared at Sammy. Make sure you thank him. "Okay, that sounds good. He is a very nice man. When would you want to meet?" I tried to keep my voice as level as possible but all I wanted to do was scream and jump for joy.

  "Today work for you. The building is almost complete, and I am wanting to get those thirty apartments listed."

  I almost spit out my coffee. "I just want to make sure that I heard you right. Thirty?"

  I heard him chuckle and then flick a lighter. "Yes. I am also very generous with the commission. You will be getting thirty five percent of each unit. I will see you for lunch at Johnny's Bistro at one." He hung up then.

  I stared at my phone and decided what I should do. Thirty five percent of thirty units? Holy fuck!

  "Sammy! You didn't!" I ran at him as he stood up and jumped into a hug. Sammy is such a big guy and it was easy for him to support my jump onto him. I felt the eyes if everyone in the room on me... Especially Vincent. "Thank you!"

  "No problem. Alphonse is a nice man."

  "Thanks. I owe you a solid!" I jumped out of the hug and walked out of the room. Vincent's arm was hanging off the chair and I ran into it on my way out. "Um, I am sorry," I whispered and ran out the door before I could make a bigger ass out of myself.

  All of the guys were in a fit of laughter. They were still laughing loud enough so by the time I made it out the door and into the driveway, I knew what they were laughing at. Vincent gave me my car back. So many emotions floated through me. I wanted to take it because it is a beautiful and new car, but I also wanted to throw the keys at his head. I deserved this car, fuck that. It’s mine.

  I climbed into it and inhaled the new leather smell. To my right there was a dozen roses and a note.

  See you at seven sharp. Wear the dress in your closet. Love, Vincent.

  Say what? What dress? I really wanted to run back into the house and throw myself at Vincent, but I stopped myself as I breathed the smell of white roses. White for purity. He was trying to wipe our pasts clean.

  I so hope that is what he wants to do because I can't take this anymore. I miss him so much even though we live together. I miss the way he would laugh at my goofy sides and make fun of me when I said something stupid. The way he knew what to say when I needed comfort.

  I just miss him. I love him and I can't live like this anymore. Vincent woke me up and I feel things now that I thought only existed in books.

  When I got to work, everyone stopped me and asked how I was doing. The only person that I really want but didn't want to see was Anne. We still haven't spoken so I am worried that we are still arguing or something. However, I did still correspond with his family and have gotten to know the other three women in his life.

  On my desk was a dozen pink roses. I looked at them and breathed in their scent too. Most definitely Vincent. Anne looked up and gave me a confused smile and I felt my insides shift. She didn't want to say hi first or apologize but I am the one who messed up not her.

  We have been friends and family forever. I wasn't going to let these years go to a waste over this. I knew why she did what she did. It still doesn't mean that I don't hurt from it because I do. A small side of me still feels like I was betrayed or something, but I know she only meant well. It’s not in her nature to malicious.

  "Hi, Anne. How are you?" I asked as I put my purse down and smelled the roses. My desk held about three piles of folders and packets. Today was going to be long.

  "Hi, how are you feeling?" She asked quietly and worked through her own piles. Anne still hadn't looked at me and looked as if she was paying close attention to her files.

  As soon as I sat in my seat, I kicked off my shoes and crossed my legs.
The piles of folders were very intimidating, but I need to work this out with Anne. "Are we going to talk about this?"

  She looked around the office and shrugged before turning in her chair to look at me. "Vans, I am not going to apologize for what I did. This is all getting way too dangerous and I'm so worried about you."

  My eyes started to sting, and I just knew tears are brewing. "Annie, I know why you did it, but it upset me at the time because I felt betrayed."

  Anne adjusted herself and walked/rolled her chair over to the front of my desk. I put my hands together and rested my elbows on the desk while I'm waiting for what is about to be said. "Can you keep a secret?" I gave her the 'duh' look and then she looked around. "Ronnie has been talking about going legit and that is how we came up with that plan. This life is too... unpredictable and I don't like it," she shook her head as if confirming what she said is right.