Queenpin (Syndicate Book 1) Page 5
Trina is waiting for me at the door of the garage opening my door for me. I step out of my seat and once I’m standing at full height, I straighten myself. I’m not going to be looking like a hot fucking mess at my club. No, I have an image and reputation to uphold.
“Trina, show Raul to the security lounge and then meet me in front of the entrance in five minutes. I need full knowledge over who is coming in and out of the club at all times.”
Before they can answer me, I walk away and straight into my office. I pull the note of my clutch and compare it to the other notes I received.
Of course, same fucking hand writing.
Someone is breaking into my office and I need to know who it is like yesterday. These bastards can’t be snooping around my office. Of course, I have everything locked up and there’s no way you can tell where anything is, I don’t need them to go looking.
I rub my hand down the back of my head to soothe my thick hair. I comb my fingers through the waves to get the sexy look I like. I’m going to need to check the cameras as soon as I can.
Fuck it. I might as well do it now.
“Jesus,” I mumble to myself as I boot up the app on my phone to check the cameras.
Nothing. What the actual hell? The only people that come to my office are Raul and Trina… Then Mason.
Shaking off that thought, I pocket my phone and grab the keys to all the rooms to get them open for everyone. Once I have my hands on all of the keys, I take myself up the stairs to the party rooms.
Each room is equipped with something special for the equally special guests that will occupy these rooms. I like to make sure that every room is to my satisfaction before I allow them to be rented out.
Once I have everything up to my satisfaction, I walk to the next room and do a walk through. Trina comes in behind me and starts telling me all of the guests that have arrived.
“Mark and Tina, Megan and Macy are here. Also, I have noticed that the guy from earlier is here again. Are you wanting me to bring him up here?”
I nod, and then look around. “Yeah, tell him to have three different courses prepared for a total of ten people within the next two hours. Make sure he doesn’t make anything too heavy. My guests want premium food and bring me his NDA.”
She nods and then writes some stuff down. “No problem, Ms. McGrace. I will make sure he understands everything. Discretion is key.”
It’s my turn to nod and then I walk past her. It’s almost time for me to meet my guests and interest them into paying the five thousand dollars a night for each of my suites.
What? Luxury is not cheap; these bastards will pay for it too.
I walk into the main lobby that is separating the club from the main part of the business and greet some people.
“Lucian! You look beautiful!” Mike says to me as he air kisses my cheek but understands the rules. He keeps himself a few inches from touching me.
I smile and wink. “What, this old thing? Go on, you are an incorrigible flirt.” I try to make sure that I’m personable with each of my members but this one reminds me of Raul in many ways.
“Luca. Incoming!” I hear through my earpiece and then I look to my right.
Mason is standing in front of me wearing a designer button down that is tucked into his pants. I fight my urge to smirk at how fucking handsome he looks dressed as a prep school boy. “I thought you were with Trina.”
He smirks a I-Know-I’m-Hot smirk and I want to put him on his knees and teach him respect. “I was, but I came looking for you.”
“You found me. What do you want?”
“Ms. McGrace-”
“What? Stop wasting my time.” I know I’m being too hard on him but he’s seriously starting to grate on my fucking nerves.
Is right now the time to break in a sub? Right when I have a leak in my pipes, and I don’t know who the fuck it is.
However, there’s something about him… I don’t know how to describe it. He’s like an innocent man who just read his first Playboy. I want to debauch his innocence and turn him into the perfect sub. My decision is made.
“Never mind.” He stands tall and walks quickly away from me. Well, I guess that was the end of that. How fucking weird.
The club is full of intense energy by the time I make my way in there. The music is loud, bodies are rubbing against each other quickly and intimately. I love watching people enjoy being with others. That is why I love this business. The people watching is my favorite.
Music blasts from all corners of the room and I step up to the bar to grab my one drink for the night. In about twenty minutes, the fun is about to really begin.
Chapter 7
I’m cooking enough food for an army. The rooms are fucking gorgeous and I can’t imagine how much they cost for someone to rent one out. Hell, I don’t even want to know. It will probably make me faint if I thought about it.
Throughout my cooking, I can’t fight the temptation of looking around at everyone. There are people mulling around, dancing, laughing and then are some on their way to second base. Every one of the guests are dressed similar to Lucian.
Holy fucking hell. Looking at the boss lady in her outfit makes me want to fall to my knees and worship the ground she walks on. Everything about her commanding look has my dick begging for her. I want to slip my hand under her short dress, feel her smooth legs and then run my fingers up and down the slit of her pussy lips.
I bet she’s waxed from the hips down.
Every few minutes, she walks past me, standing straight with her tits out and looks pointedly at me. Is she checking up on me to make sure I’m not fucking shit up? Is that what she’s doing?
I can cook. I’m not worried about my cooking skills or anything like that. I just don’t want to be cooking and have someone watch over me like this. It’s frustrating as fuck.
The china plates are in front of me and they are placed in warming ovens that will help keep the food warm. I still don’t know what kind of people are going to be eating my food, but I don’t think it really matters.
“I can’t wait until we can get in those rooms,” one of the guests says to someone else as he pulls at her top.
She winks at him. “Easy there, old man. I would hate for you to have a heart attack while we’re out like this.”
“How are you holding up?” Someone asks from behind me.
I turn to see Trina looking at me cautiously. “It’s interesting…” I hedge, careful to not divulge my nervousness to her. The last thing I need is for her to tell Lucian I’m not qualified for this job.
The pretty girl smirks. “Mmm, are you bull shitting me?”
Holy fuck. How did she see through my bull shit that quickly? “Nope. I don’t know much of what’s going on. I’m just here to cook.”
She leans over my shoulder, brushing her small tits against my arm seductively. “What are you cooking?”
I about swallow my tongue. “Just some different foods. No biggie or anything.” I chirp like a hormonal teenager. Did my balls just drop or some shit? I’m a fucking mess.
Trina’s hot breath fans against my cheek. “I love a man who knows how to cook. You know what they say about good cooks?” She teases me.
I put a lot of focus on the food I’m preparing to avoid eye contact with her. If I look at her, I might turn to stone, like Medusa. What is it with Lucian and her assistant? They have me tied up in knots.
“Well,” she interrupts my thoughts. “Do you know?”
“What did you ask?” I mumble.
She runs her hand down my arm until she reaches my wrist. Her dainty fingers barely fit around my wrist. I look at where our skin is touching. I focus on it so much I try to imagine it being Lucian’s hand touching me.
“You know what they say about good cooks, don’t you?” She asks me again.
“No,” I croak out.
“They are great in bed.”
Excuse me, what?
“A couple of rule
s if you’re going to stay on as Lucian’s… helper,” Trina adds with attitude. “Number one, whatever happens in this room, stays in this room. You are not allowed to tell anyone what you see in here or what you hear in here. You got me?”
I nod as I focus on the food cooking. I can’t look at her. If I look at her, would she be able to see how fucking nervous I am? Would she tell Lucian that I’m a pussy who can’t handle being around dominating females? Then I’m going to get fucking fired.
Much more than that, there’s a good possibility that Raul will know it was me and he will probably tell the cops I was the get a way driver! Then I’m going to prison.
Maybe if I go to prison, I could work in the kitchen… You know? They can’t shank someone who’s responsible for cooking their damn food.
“Number two,” she continues, “you will be available whenever Lucian needs you. At all times. She is your primary concern.”
I nod again like the bobble head I have become since meeting these people today.
Nothing like just meeting someone and then throwing away your freedom for a hot piece of ass. Maybe I could stop showering in prison, the guys wouldn’t want to fuck me then.
“Number three, you will be paid two thousand dollars for each time you cook.”
I drop the food I’m playing with aimlessly. “Excuse me, what?” I bark. I must have heard her wrong. There’s no way in fucking hell she actually said two thousand dollars!
“You heard me. Lucian pays her staff handsomely.”
Trina sets down an envelope next to me and pats it to let me know it’s for me. “You get half now, and then half at the end of the night if you can handle it.”
Oh, I will handle it, all right. I’m going to be the best fucking cook these people have seen.
The entire gig is going to take about three hours and I’m nervous as fuck.
Once the food is out for whomever is supposed to be eating this, I look around the penthouse. Shit. My whole apartment could easily fit in the kitchen. As a chef, I have a fucking serious boner for this kitchen. All of the appliances are silver, the counters are granite. Whoever is coming here after the party, they must have some for real bank.
I take myself over to the bank of windows that are surrounding the living space. The city of Detroit is lit up and looking untouchable. It’s almost as if I’m not looking at the city that everyone has grown to hate.
When the three-hour mark hits, the door opens, and I hear heels clacking against the flooring before I see her. My body tingles and buzzes with anticipation when I hear Lucian’s voice filter in through the room.
I snap my head to the side and take in her appearance. Holy fucking shit. That was a bad idea. The image of her in gorgeous fucking lingerie is going to branded in my mind’s eye for the rest of my life. Her red hair is like a halo around her head and I can’t help but roam my eyes over her entire body. I seriously didn’t know where to look first.
Her big ass tits are bursting out from behind their confines and I can see the start of her nipples pebbling. Lucian’s hips are being hugged by this lacy material that looks expensive as fuck. My eyes are greedy and instead of looking at one specific part of her, I take it all in. Looking at every single part of her glorious body at the same damn time.
She steps in front of me, her heels bringing her to just about my height of six feet, and she says: “Is everything ready?”
Her words don’t register because I’m thinking some dirty thoughts about this woman right about now. What I wouldn’t give to peel the straps of her bra down her arms and take in the creamy flesh of her tits?
My left nut. That is what I would give. Happily.
“I refuse to repeat myself. Is everything ready?”
I blink out of my lustful cloud and her words sink in. “Yeah. Of course. What kind of party is this?” I question as I signal to the outfit she is wearing.
My dick has a mind of its own and I’m trying to tuck it into the waistband of my briefs. The move doesn’t go unnoticed as Lucian takes in the movement.
“You know, I was considering sending you home. But I think that it may be beneficial for you to be here. You know, to observe. What do you think?”
Lucian’s evasive ability to avoid my questions makes me even more turned on. I would love to bend her body over and rip those panties away from her body. “Yeah. I would like that.”
She points over to the corner and then nods her head. “You see that big black chair?” I nod and she rubs her finger over her bottom lip as if she is considering something. “I think that would be a good place for you to observe. After, we will have a discussion.”
Before I can answer, the temptress spins on her heels and then walks up the golden stairs until she reaches the platform that overlooks the living space. I don’t say anything because I’m an awe of this woman. How can a woman be this controlling? It doesn’t make any sense how she is able to command my attention without saying a god damned word.
Lucian clears her throat and I look at her facial expression. Before I can ask what she is wanting, she points to the chair. I follow the directive and take a seat.
Fuck me. Why the hell am I wanting to please her? The anxiety of her being pissed at me is killing me and it’s driving me fucking insane.
Any other time, I would have told the chick to shove it and go on about my day. There’s something about Lucian McGrace that makes me want to fall to my knees and worship her. Her steely eyes watch my moves. I can tell she knows the affect she has on me just by how her breathing changed. I know she wants me as much as I want her.
I just need to figure out how far I’m willing to go to be with her.
Chapter 8
I wait for everyone to come up to the play-house and while I do, I watch with amusement as Mason tries to come up with what exactly is about to happen, it’s written all over his face.
This is going to be good.
My shit-eating grin is plastered on my face when people started coming into the play-house and began taking off their clothes at the door. Mason’s eyes bugged out of his head as he takes in the scene.
With everyone either stark naked or in lingerie, Mason doesn’t know where to look until he catches my eyes with his own. I couldn’t keep my cocky smirk off of my face even if I tried as he began to realize what this was.
“Madam Lucian,” every guest says and kneels in front of where I’m standing until I wave them off.
Raul takes his place next to me and I make him kneel at my feet. Of course, I provide him with a pillow to rest his knees on, but for the most part, I know everyone here knows their place.
He looks up at me and I kiss the tips of my fingers and bring it to his cheek. “Should we enjoy the party, my sub?” I ask and he nods.
I unhook the collar around his neck and slip it into my pocket. “I’m freeing you for the party. Enjoy yourself and then tell me how you liked it later.” Raul has a severe sexuality and I know it’s not fair to him to have to abide by my rules all of the time.
He smiles and waits until I have turned away before he gets up from his pillow and then walks down the stairs. Where I am strictly a Dome, he likes to go both ways with it. When I first met him, I knew he would be fun to break and train. And he has been. But lately he has been wanting more and it’s getting out of hand.
I shake off the nagging thoughts over the leak in the pipeline. There’s a time and a place to worry about that. Right now, I want to get my jollies off while watching others fuck each other.
No, I’m not a madam who has people pay to fuck other people. I’m not that kind of monster. Everyone in here loves to fuck and loves to fuck freely. I don’t run an orgy, either.
People stop in front of me and take my left hand to kiss my Dome ring that was given to me by my mentor. It’s a sign of respect and love while understanding that I’m the boss of all this.
My ring is a solitaire ruby and white gold. I love it as it signifies power, strength and it’s
beautiful against my tan skin. Many people have complimented me on it and I just smile and then stare at it myself. It’s a sign of my position in my group and it’s one of the only things that I fucking cherish.
Plus, it’s the first thing I kept for myself when I took over the southern market. When I took over the gang, I had to make sure everyone knew I meant business and what better way to do so then to have a ring.
A ring that cost six people their lives to get.
My eyes keep looking at Mason and for some odd reason, I’m wanting to know how he is liking this. When I take in his nervous demeanor, I can’t help but give a half smile at this. He looks as if he is about to shit himself with all of this.
In front of him, there are a few different couples that are having sex. Like full blown sex. Of course, to me this is normal, but to him this is probably something that is way out of the norm.
“Madam Lucian. How are you today?” Billy asks me. He’s a pretty young guy who has only ran in our circle for a few years, but people seem to like him. With a beard that touches his chest, he’s got this Grizzly Adams type of look going. You would probably be surprised to know that he is 100% a submissive.
The man doesn’t have a dominant bone in his body.
I signal for him to stand next to me and we both watch Mason’s reaction to the party. There is loud music playing but it is being drowned out by the pleasure sounds coming from the group. “Billy. How are you today?”
He smirks and takes a look at Mason while adjusting his thick framed glasses. “What’s the deal with the chef? Why’s he still here?”
I shrug and meet Mason’s eyes. I find it liberating that he breaks my eye contact within seconds. “He’s here because I want him to be. What are you doing tonight?”
Even though I’m so sexually frustrated, the thought of doing anything with Billy makes my stomach churn. I’m actually interested in having Mason tied up in my room.