Adore Me: Mafia Romance (The Lucky Family Book 4) Page 6
With the back still unzipped, I held the front of the dress to my chest and turned to look at her. I checked her out and she was also dressed up more so than usual. Her dress is a deep black and looked similar to mine, but it was strapless and more conservative until you looked at the back. There are strategic holes throughout the back to create a design. Bethany looked like sex on a stick.
"What's going on?" I asked as I turned to walk in my closet for shoes. My nerves and now the anticipation were killing me and any minute, I would snap from the suspense. I focused the energy and found some pink high heels that had a ballet shoe look.
"It’s a surprise. Everyone is here along with their ladies. It’s a special evening," she hugged me and sat on my bed. "You are going to flip out!"
"Please give me a hint. I will be your slave forever!" I begged as I sprayed perfume on and touched up my makeup. The only thing I needed to do is reapply my lip gloss.
"You want a hint?" I nodded and as the door opened, Annabeth, Valerie and Anne came in. I smiled at all of them. "It has to do with you and Vincent."
"No shit!" I walked past them and sat on my bed to put on my high heels. "This better not be a fake proposal!" Everyone laughed and Anne had tears in her eyes. I jumped off the bed with each heel in my hand and stopped in front of her and balanced on each foot to put the other shoe on each foot.
"You look beautiful. A replica of your mother. Your smile and your face is glowing. Your mother would have loved to be here!" Anne hugged me and I hugged her, and everyone started to file out my room. Tears welled in my eyes and I waved my hand in front of my face to stop them from coming. Anne and I wrapped our arms around the other and followed the others.
Anne is wearing a mermaid green dress that flows over her body. If I remember correctly, she looks a little heavier than normal. I need to ask her if everything is all right because she is the type to eat junk and never gain a pound.
I scanned the downstairs as I hesitantly stood on the stair where Vincent and I first made love. My face felt like there is an inferno behind my cheeks. All of the ladies were wearing a dress, less extravagant than mine, but they still looked very nice and beautiful. Of course, the men were in their suits.
"Hot damn!" Someone called as we walked down the stairs.
"Holy... shit!" Leo said as his jaw dropped.
I looked around with a nervous smile. I expected to see Vincent, but he was nowhere to be found. After my realization this afternoon... I couldn't wait to see him and tell him. Would I actually admit it? I would like to think that I would do it. I loved him and I couldn't do this anymore.
The dining room was transformed to fit everyone and there were candles everywhere. On the dining room table there are name cards. I sat where mine was, and scanned the space expecting to see something that would signify what was happening. Nothing. No one gave me a clue. Damn it.
"Okay, everyone please sit down," Sal said as he sat down and rubbed his wife's hand who looked very young. "Welcome to inductions. This is going to be a long night so don't drink too much! Stella, please bring our dinner out." Stella appeared along with four other servers and placed food in front of us.
The seat next to me is empty and I could only guess it was Vincent's seat. I found it funny that every other place setting had a name card. The server put a plate down on his setting and I suddenly wanted to see him. I felt empty and out of place. My connection with all of these people was through Vincent. Now that Vincent and I are... Hell, I don't even know. It just felt very weird to be here without him.
"We will begin as soon as Moretti joins us." Like it were planned, Vincent appeared. He sat next to me and didn't even look at me. I took a sip of my wine and cut into my food. Unaware of what was supposed to happen, I followed the lead of the other ladies. "Tonight, is a special night for I have decided who will move up in ranks and open the books," everyone clapped. I didn't realize that it were a clapping matter, so I joined in too late.
Tony appeared with a book and there is a stack of cards that were resting on the book. Anne looked up and smiled at me and I matched her smile trying to gauge if she knew anything. Did she know? Tony set the book down in front of Sal.
John stood up from his place setting and took a sip from his wine glass. He scanned everyone that was sitting at the table with a dangerous glint in his eyes. "Our members know how important this meeting is and are well aware why all the ladies have been invited. Every strong man has a stronger woman supporting him." People cheered and I didn't follow everything that was going on. I am too determined to decipher out the scene and what is exactly supposed to happen. "With that being said, if anything is taken out of this meeting, information and or names, those people that spill will be taken care of. We ask for complete confidentiality from our dinner guests," he took another sip and continued. "Thank you."
"We will begin by announcing new soldiers. You men have proven yourself in your roles as an associate, and now we have decided who will be promoted." People looked up and held out their goblets. This is absolutely intense to witness. I followed everyone else.
When in Rome and all of that.
Vincent held his arm out and I locked my eyes on that watch I engraved for him. My heart must have a horse in it because it is galloping with glee that he is wearing my present. I am hoping that it is a sign that he wants to get back together. As soon as this is over with, I am going to talk to him and apologize for freaking out on the golf course and let him know that I want to be with him forever.
The sound of clapping interrupted my planning and I came crashing down from my fantasy. Oh, right, I am supposed to be paying attention.
"Tony, Jack, Howard, Michael and Anthony- please stand up and hold out your right hand," the men did as they were told. Vincent stood up and placed a card in each of their hands. "Now, Moretti!" Vincent lit a lighter and the men stood up in a line. Each one of the cards were set on fire and the men held it in their hands.
"Oh!" It slipped out of my mouth and everyone turned to look at me. I smiled and looked down. Crap.
"Gentlemen, these cards represent your life before the Family. These cards represent what will happen to you if you turn your back on the family, you will burn. Now, you have officially been entered into the book. You represent the Luckys now. Everything you do will influence our family first. If you are needed, you will come. For the time being, all of you are soldiers. Congratulations. Please sign the books," all of the men that were standing walked over to the book and signed it. "Rossi."
"Hold on," Ronnie pulled out a sharp knife and set it in the table. After the knife was set down, a piece of official looking paper was placed on the table as well.
"We live by the sword as we die by the sword," John said as he stood up and pointed to the piece of paper.
The guys who just signed the books stuck up their index finger. Some were their left and others were their right. They took turns poking themselves in that index finger and then dripping their blood onto the paper.
I am so confused. What am I doing here? This seemed so official and I felt like an outsider. I scanned the room hoping to gain some insight, but nobody was giving me anything.
Vincent sat back down, and I fought the urge to reach out and touch him. He looked so sexy in his tux and smelled so good. I kept checking him out with the corner of my eye. In this moment, I knew. I knew that I loved him with every ounce of myself and this stunk because he would and could clearly break me.
The enforcers, or at least that is what I assume they are, stood up and shook all of their hands. Most of the females just looked around in awe. I looked at this situation with confusion.
"Next order of business! Everyone sit down, please. For the position of Consigliere, Moretti," Jack handed Vincent a cigar and Vincent lit it. I am so discombobulated. What is happening with everyone? "Those that were soldiers; Rossi and your line- now you are enforcers. Everything rests on you. You will be given a sector and you will need to protect it. Congratulations! Any
new business?"
"Yes," John stood up and addressed everyone. "We've been delinquent in welcoming the new ladies of the group. Anne Rossi, please stand up!" Anne and Ronnie stood up holding hands. "Anne, you are now part of our family. If you need anything, please ask for it." Anne and Ronnie kissed and then sat down.
I chugged my wine glass and looked down. Vincent hasn't even looked at me since he sat down. Wow. Not even a compliment for the dress he bought; I need to get out of here. I pushed my chair back and stood up before the tears came flooding down my face. Every man stood up too. This is so weird. I scanned all of their faces and they looked at me expectantly. Is this secretly a cannibalism party? I feel as if at any moment, I will be eaten.
"Wait. There is another matter that needs to be discussed. Savannah, please take your seat," John said. Am I in trouble? "Moretti, don't you have something to say?"
Vincent looked up and pulled my chair back out. "Please, please sit." I sat down and looked away. I felt as if I looked at him, he would go up in flames. He's so pretty and everything...
"Savannah, this is important," Valerie said and I looked up to hold her gaze. I tried to ask her with a look what was happening, and she dodged it.
"It’s okay, honey!" Annabeth said with a giggle and snuggled into the side of Vinny.
Vincent stood up out of his chair and pulled mine out of its place. I looked up into his eyes and seen that they were smiling at me. Even though I was so nervous, I smiled back to him. Never did I realize the amount of energy I spent in trying to forget what his eyes do to me. "My, my, me. So much has happened in the short time that we have known each other. I wasn't able to do this the right way due to the certain circumstances of the past couple of months, but I am going to do this right this time," he held out his hand and took mine. I gasped as he kissed the top of my hand. We held our gaze while he swallowed. My eyes matched his. "Savannah, I ask you in front of all of our friends for you to be my woman," he looked at Jack and he shrugged while blowing a kiss out to me. "I want everyone here and everyone else to know that you are mine." His finger trailed on my hand as I processed what he meant.
"Um..." That was all I could say. Is he proposing? Ohshitballs! If he is proposing, I will just die! I want him more than an alcoholic needs their next fix, but I feel as if we have a lot to work on before we can even get on that level.
That cocky and arrogant smile that I love, is looking a little wilted. Oh, holy Jesus! He is nervous! “No, I am not proposing to you. That will come later," he chuckled and then his face sobered. "I am asking you to be committed to me and trust me. Will you?" I looked for Anne's face and she smiled enthusiastically at me. I held her gaze and then she pointed to her shoulder. Oh! This was him announcing our relationship! "Answer me, please?"
Could he read my mind? I have literally been thinking about telling him that I am done being stupid and ask him to take me back. I have been dreaming about this all day and I can't believe that he chose a night that seems so special to ask me. So, this is why I am here! Words cannot express how freakin' special I'm feeling. "Yes," I whispered. Everyone broke out in applause and I felt tears flood down my cheeks without any shame. This is so romantic that he wanted to do this publicly. Vincent grabbed my elbows and pulled me up.
As soon as I was standing in front of him, he gripped my face in both of his hands and plundered my mouth with his lips and tongue. I growled at him when he broke our lip lock and he chuckled. "Gentlemen, she finally agreed! Savannah, welcome to the family!" Vincent embraced me tightly against his chest. "Now you don't have to sneak into my bed at night and leave so early," he whispered in my ear with a laugh.
Wait, how did he know? I could have sworn I came in and out discreetly. I just loved laying my head in his bed because it felt as if we were the same person when our scents got mingled. Oh! That must be it! My perfume is pretty musky and does linger. "I guess I am not that sneaky, huh?" I said back to him with a giggle. "What does this all mean?" He pulled me out of his embrace and looked down at me.
"This means that if anyone touches you, they lose a hand!" He dropped his face and crushed my mouth and it felt like it was so long ago that he kissed me. He tasted like mint and wine all wrapped up in each other. Our lips danced with the other's and I could melt. When it comes to Vincent, I... just want to keep touching him so I can make sure this is all real. I wrapped my arms around his neck and parted my lips. Vincent slipped his tongue in between my lips and I met his tongue with my own. When our kiss broke, I felt dizzy and out of sorts. "Say it, I know you want to."
I didn't break our lips from touching, I tried to ignore his request. Annabeth yelled at me with a growl.
The words I know he wants me to say are the truth. "I love you, Vincent. Yes, of course I want to be committed to you. I do trust you," I stated as I broke our kiss. As soon as my sentence was over, I placed my lips on his.
Vincent broke our kiss and looked down at me. "I love you too," he leaned his face down to me and brushed his lips against mine. "Let's continue our party." We both sat down and our chairs were touching. His arm never left my shoulders and it made me giggle to watch him eat with one hand.
The dinner party continued, and the ladies were discussing their tattoos. Anne seemed pretty adamant on getting one. I learned that John's comare is expecting his third child with her and she should be about six months along. I looked her over and am surprised on young she looks. Pregnancy agrees with her.
I will never understand how these wives can go around knowing that their husband is cheating on them. From personal experience, being the wife and knowing about it is so stressful. The worst was when I was in line at the grocery store and I felt as if everyone was looking at me and then gossiping.
I decided that it was time to break out of my funky mood. Time for fun. "Hey, let's get more wine," I whispered in Vincent's ear. "Follow me," I stood up and held my hand out to him and he took it.
Chapter 14
"You know we could have..." He wasn't able to finish since I crushed my face to his. I opened up my lips and slipped my tongue out to lick the outside of his mouth. He gave me a feral groan and picked me up by hips to set me on the countertop.
Looks as if the star was about to come out and play!
I let out a moan as he rubbed his hands up and down my legs and thighs. With my legs open and dress pressed up, I started to squirm as he looked over me like a hungry animal. His hands gripped my thighs tightly as he kissed his way to my throat. I'm panting so hard and when he bit my neck, I groaned while digging my nails into his back through his coat.
My hands began to tear at his coat as I tried to get it off. My feet dug into his legs to get his pants to come off. When his pants didn't move, I realized that he is wearing a belt. "You want me to take off my coat?" He whispered against my throat.
My groan of desperation was his answer. I need to feel him skin on skin. "Yeeeessssssssss!"
With skill, I felt him pulling off his coat without moving too much.
Vincent worked his kissing and biting down my neck and then to my chest. He took his time to take each one of my breasts out to kiss them and rub the nipple. The dress was slipping off my shoulder by the strap, so I reached up to pull it back up. Before I could wrap my fingers around the strap, Vincent grabbed my hand.
"Leave it, you look so hot and beautiful all flushed and ravishing. I am going to take my time and taste every inch of your body." I moaned very loud as his mouth moved from each nipple to licking and sucking on my rib cage. "Don't move, love." Vincent grasped on to my thighs tighter as if to stop me from moving. He slipped his hand up and tickled my sex while he worked his tongue over the part of the dress that was bunched at my waist. "These are so beautiful on you," his tongue licked over my underwear and his hot breath alone was going to set me off.
With a slow and seductive move, he grabbed my underwear and pulled them off. I looked at him with eyes of fire and need as he kissed my secret spot hard. One of Vincent's finger made its way
into my sex gently. Teasing me by touching the tip of my clit then to teasing my hole. Oh shit. I bucked off the counter and grabbed his shoulders and pulled him to me.
"Kiss me," I begged. He kissed my eyes as they were closing, down my cheek and to my lips. "You are going to kill me!" I moaned as his finger plunged into my hole. "Please. Please." His finger moved at a slow pace that is driving me psycho.
Vincent peered up at me with half-mast eyes and he is just so handsome. "Oh baby, you don't have to beg." One of his hands left my body, not the left one because it was driving me insane. I heard his zipper go down and felt his dick as it worked its way up my thighs. The tip of him is so hot and meaty with a bead at the end of it. I just watched him as he got ready to enter me and I loved the look of adoration in his eyes. "You are so beautiful," he said as he slowly inserted himself into me. I closed my eyes tight and arched my back as he started to go deeper. He slid in slowly but out faster.
Achingly slow.
My eyes squeezed tight as I hugged his dick very tightly into my hole with my inner sex muscles. My panting got louder as he thrust in faster. "Oh! Don't stop!" I begged as I moved my body to sit up right in front of him. I wrapped my legs around his and caught his lips as he made a growl.