Queenpin (Syndicate Book 1) Read online

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  “Fuck me?” I yell and walk from behind the car. I’ve got my gun cocked and I’m ready to shoot. “Fuck you guys!”

  I see one of the guys from the east side pop out from behind the dumpster with his hands out asking for peace. “I didn’t know they were trying to fight you!” He cries.

  I hiss at him. “Sure, you didn’t. You also didn’t know that this is my fort, did you? I bet you didn’t buy anything either!”

  The East Side guy drops his gun on the ground with a thud and the force shoots off a round. One single bullet is shot through the whole metal casing surrounding the fort. It echoes as it flings past everyone and then everyone takes out their guns and begins shooting at everyone.

  It’s mass hysteria for about a minute. It takes only a moment to empty each clip here and for the sounds of sirens to come charging towards us.

  “Grab the bag!” I yell at Raul.

  I look around the mess to see if I can see any of our guys down. There’s none but I do see one of my members on the ground. What a shame. The guy wasn’t even twenty-one years and he lost his life because he got addicted to the fast life.

  I turn around to see two police officers holding out badges for me to get a better look at.



  Every Tuesday and Friday I go to my appointment to discuss my life and how I’m feeling. The judge made this court mandated and my counselor sends all of his notes to the judge to show that I am acclimating to the world.

  Or some shit.

  After my Tuesday appointment, I’m feeling pretty fucking shrunk and all I can think about is getting immersed in my work at the club. It’s the first of October and this is the day that everyone pays their dues for their membership.

  I’m in serious need of a vacation. A good one.

  For the past two years, I have worked every single day of those seven hundred and thirty damn days. See, the problem with being a woman in the business world is I have to work extra fucking hard. What sucks the most is when they find out who I used to be.

  I haven’t always been this woman. I once was a scared little girl who saw things no one should have to have seen and I did whatever it took to survive. So, what if I’m rough around the edges. It is what is.

  By the time I get to my office, I see the outline of a man standing in front of my closed door. “May I help you?” I ask with a voice that tells how I’m not in the mood. Because I’m not. I’m in the mood to count some money and then drink some gin.

  Fuck that damn counselor. How does that make you feel, Ms. McGrace?

  All that Ms. McGrace shit is enough to send me to the psych ward.

  The body turned and I fall back a step. Holy hell. I did not expect Mason to come to me so soon. Fuck. I didn’t expect him to come at all.

  I take the three steps until I’m standing in front of him. He’s not much taller than me while I’m in my heels but my eyes are leveled with his nose. Mason smells amazing in this fresh cologne and the outdoors.

  “You’re here.”

  “I’m here.”

  My eyes greedily climb up and down his body and settle on his eyes. “This is going to be fun.” I take my keys out of my purse and separate them so he can have the house key. As I roll it off the ring, I look at his nervous face. “Oh, don’t get nervous on me now, Mason.” I hand the key to him and he takes it. Once his fingers were holding the key in his hand, I say, “My penthouse is on the top floor. I want you to go there and wait for me. You will know it’s my penthouse. I will be there in thirty minutes.”

  Before he could say anything, I flick my hand off to the side, so he knows I am done talking. Walking into my office, I feel excitement as I think about all of the things I’m about to do to and with Mason. I’m not sure if he knows what I am into but it’s about time he realized something… I have control over everything. There are no exceptions to that rule.

  I kick my heels off and sit on the couch that is kiddy corner to my desk. Once I’m tucked into the corner of the couch, I close my eyes. I can’t seem too over excited about this because that would be fucking embarrassing.

  It’s going to be fine. Everything is going to be fine. We are going to get along well and it’s going to be the start of a good relationship.

  First things first, I need to clear my schedule for the week. It’s important that Mason and I have enough time to get better acquainted with each other so we can understand one another. Also, I like to spend the extra time to make sure that Mason is what I want. Could you imagine how much it would fucking suck if I dedicated a lot of my time to him and he turned out to be a dud?

  I hit the button for the intercom, probably too hard, and waited for Trina to answer. “Yes, Ms. McGrace?” Her voice is always pleasant, but I have the feeling that she is a slut when she is not here with me.

  I wonder if anyone else gets such impressions about someone.

  Oh well. She’s a good employee and she doesn’t ask me questions about what I do. “I need you to clear my schedule for the week and know that I am not to be reached. At all. I don’t give a fuck if the Pope comes and wants to meet me. I don’t want to be bothered. Is that clear?” I know I’m very terse, but this is important to me and it’s important to my relationship with Mason.

  “Of course. I will see you next week.”

  Raul pops his head through my door. “Luca, I got your money.”

  He walks in with the bag in front of him and a silly smile on his face.

  “What are you smiling at?” I ask him.

  “Guess who our new driver is.”

  “Raul, I do not have fucking time for this,” I snarl at him and take the bag with the money in it.

  “You might have the time to know your precious new sub is also your driver.”

  I drop the bag on the ground and turn to look at him. “You better not fuck anything up for me.”

  He throws his hands in the air. “You forget who you’re talking to, Luca. I’ve been here since you got jumped-in. I’ve been here for you this whole time. Everything you needed, I got you.”

  “I don’t have time for you to be all jealous over the new guy,” I hiss.

  Raul chuckles mirthlessly. “I’m not jealous over him. You’re the one who’s fucked up for letting him in. How do you know he’s not working for the cops? How do you know he’s not gonna fuck us over? You don’t know anything about him. How the fuck do you know he’s not going to get tired of you not letting him have your pussy and then rat?”

  I pick up the bag off the ground and walk over to my desk. I plop the bag on it, unzipping it then counting out fifteen grand. I hand it over to him. “Thank you for your services today, Raul.”

  I don’t say anything else as I count the rest of the twenty thousand dollars. I have to scan each bill to make sure it’s not counterfeit. The last thing I need is to pay for something and have it been fucking fake. The feds will be all over my club in a heartbeat.

  “You’re going to choose him over me?” He barks.

  “I’m not choosing anyone, Raul. Stop being jealous! Go fuck someone else.”

  He shakes his head. “You’re going to regret this, Lucian. I swear to fucking God, you’re going to regret this. He’s going to fuck you over and it’s only a matter of time before the rest of the gang finds out.”

  “Finds out what, exactly?” I snap. “What are you going to tell them?”

  Raul’s eyes bulge his head. “Find out about all the shit you’ve been doing on the side.”

  I take my gun out of my pocket and aim it as his head. I feel the weight of the gun in my hands and relish the feeling of it. “What’s stopping you from ratting? What’s stopping you from turning on the only person who’s ever cared about you?”

  “The fact that I love you.”

  “You don’t love me. I’m not the loveable type. You love the idea of what I could do for you. Raul, get out of my office and I never want to hear that shit again or I will kill you.”

  Chapter 13 />

  By the time my hand hovered over her door handle, my nerves and anxiety had almost gotten the better of me. I’m about to walk into this woman’s home and she’s not even here with me.

  I’m angry with myself for not being the least bit apprehensive over this… instead, I’m fucking excited.

  As I open the door, I’m hit with a fresh smell of laundry and crisp cleanliness scent. There’s a feminine smell underlying it and I feel as if Lucian is in here with me.

  Do I wait for her on the bed? Maybe naked? Should I have been working out more? Shit. I don’t know what else to do over here. I'm freaking the fuck out.

  I know she’s into some shady shit on the side, what happens if she grows bored with me or I piss her off? Is she going to fucking kill me? I would hope not.


  Lucian circles my body as I stand in the center of her living room. I’m well aware that this is her territory and that she has the upper hand. For whatever reason, I’m not nervous nor frightened over it.

  Her wide brown eyes scan my body and I feel a sense of pride. I am not overly athletic and I’m a chef so I know I could stand to lose a couple of pounds. However, with my insecurities aside, and the way she is looking at me, I feel as if I hung the moon.

  I feel her breath on the back of my neck and I fucking shiver like a damned girl. “Take off your clothes,” she whispers against the back of my neck. Her breath kisses my skin making me harder than a fucking steel pipe.

  Quickly, before I could allow any self-doubt to kick in, I unbutton my shirt and then start to shrug out of it. When I relax my shoulders to slip out of the it, she tsks and then faces me. In her heels, she is about my height and it’s such a turn on.

  Her voice is heavy with lust as it speaks to me. “That’s not how you take off your shirt. Button again and do it over.” Lucian’s hands are balled and on her hips. The only indicator that I’m turning her on or affecting her at all is her chest as it slowly rises and falls.

  “What? Why?” I question and she looks at my bare chest. My torso is defined enough to make me comfortable showing it off, but it’s not a fucking six pack or anything.

  She gets as close to as she can without actually touching me and then slaps me across my cheek. The sting from Lucian’s slap makes my eyes water and I can’t help but look at her as if she’s crazy. What kind of woman hits a man?

  And what kind of man likes it?

  Me. That’s who. I am a fucked-up person for liking it so much… but I do.

  “You don’t ask me questions. I ask you to do something and you do it. If you defy me again, you will go home. I want no hesitation. Do I make myself clear?”

  Holy fucking Jesus. I’m a sick freak because I’m about busted a nut in my pants. I nod, and then do as she asks. My fingers button fast and then I slowly unbutton it back down. My fingers lightly tingle from my arousal and my hips thrust forward on their own. Almost as if they were trying to get a feeling of what it would be like to sink deep into Lucian. I bet she’s tight. Really fucking tight.

  I want to sink into her body so bad.

  Chapter 14


  Mason looks fucking sexy being so nervous. He’s trembling but I can tell by the tent in his pants that he is as excited as I am. My palm tingles from slapping him in the face but it needed to be done. When subs don’t show complete compliance, things go badly.

  I watch him unbutton his shirt and my mouth goes dry when he gets to the bottom button. His shirt hangs open and I nod my head encouragingly. The nimble fingers pull down the zipper while I take a few steps back and then sit down on the couch. Once I’m comfortable, I look at him.

  With his dark blond hair, shirt unbuttoned and hanging open, he looks sort of like a Greek god. “Give me a show.” I rub my hands on the thighs of my pants to help get rid of the sweaty palms I’m sporting. It’s embarrassing because I feel as if I’m some sort of amateur or something.

  Mason’s body is perfect. That over muscled shit that guys get when they spend more time at the gym than in their office…I hate it. I don’t want to look at a man and then wonder when the last time they ate was.

  I want Mason very bad. Like way too fucking bad to admit. I like his cocky smirk that he has on his face as I’m watching his strip for me. “Slower,” I hiss and cross my legs at the knees. It’s a vain attempt because that didn’t stop my pussy from flowing.

  Breaking in a new sub is difficult and time consuming. I almost didn’t want to invite him up to my place because of all of the work and frustrations that it takes to get him ready for me. I have my fingers crossed that he is not going to be a disappointment for me.

  He unbuttons his pants and unzips them slowly while rocking his hips gently. It’s sexy and hot. I can’t help but stare at the bulge that is barely kept at bay. From here, I can see that he’s well equipped and my mouth waters while thinking about sticking him in my mouth.

  My mouth goes dryer than the desert when his pants are fully unzipped and he’s standing in front of me with his pants at his knees. The only barrier between my eyes and his dick is his underwear. I nod my head, wanting him to take those off as well.

  “Go ahead,” I murmur.

  “Okay,” he whispers as he bends slides down his pants and boxers over the bottom of his legs and feet.

  The slight bobbing of the head of his dick catches my attention and I watch with anticipation.

  Seeing him completely naked standing before me…I clench my thighs together to stave off my arousal. “You look so beau-”

  “Stop talking,” I whisper harshly and snap my attention to his face. “I want you to work your cock for me. I want to see you get yourself off.”

  He looks confused and then he fists his shaft with his big ass hand. Mason shuttles his hand up and down it while closing his eyes. He moaned slightly as he begins to pick up speed and a drop of white dew seeps out through the head. My eyes are fixated on both of his heads. I love watching his face expressions of pleasure while also watching his cock be stroked back and forth, up and down in his hand.

  “Are you getting close?” I say and watch his little blond head nod. His man bun is getting looser as his head nods. “When you come, I want you to say, ‘This is for you, Madam Luca.’ Do you think you can say that?”

  Mason begins to nod but I tsk low in the back of my throat. He opens his eyes and he must have seen that I mean business because he follows my unspoken demand. “Yes.”

  His hand worked faster and faster as his eyes watch me and my expression to this. I paid equal amount of attention to watching both of his heads… they were equally entertaining. However, I had the craving to ask what was going in his head right now. He seems to be turned on, but I’m worried he’s going to be like ‘fuck this bitch’.

  “This is for you, Madam Luca. Every drop is all for you,” he moans out and it sounds almost painful. I watch as strands of come are released from his dick while it hits his stomach and bare chest.

  I’m snapped out of my fog when he stops moaning and then releases his still hard cock. It points right at me with its sheen of arousal around the head. It’s purple from its work out, but it’s still just as attractive.

  And my mouth grows hungry.

  “Now, what do you say?” I whisper and get off from my perch. I take the few steps to him on wobbly legs, but I am hoping that it comes across as confident.

  Mason’s eyes clear and he looks at me with adoration. “Thank you, Madam Luca.”

  I nod, and then point over to the bathroom door. “Clean off and then come out here and have a chat with me.”

  Before he can respond, I spin on my heels and then walk to my kitchen. I’m in dire need of a fucking drink.

  I also need my riding crop.

  Chapter 15


  Stumbling to the bathroom, I turn the sink on to luke warm and then run my hand under it to test it out. Once it’s to a degree that I can stand, I grab a wad of toilet paper a
nd wet it.

  What are we supposed to talk about? Are we going to talk about how I’m going to be her little play thing? Are we going to talk about how I did?

  Why does it matter to me how I did? I jacked myself off. It’s not as if I can mess that up that badly? Is it?


  As I’m cleaning myself off, I take a look around the bathroom. Hell, her whole apartment is gorgeous. With the decorations throughout and how it’s decorated.

  That’s another thing. Since when do I give a shit how someone’s place is decorated? Since when do I even pay attention to something like that?

  Have I become a little bitch?

  The hall bathroom, the one that I was directed to, is gold with white undertones throughout it. The toilet and the vanity are white, but the tile and the walls are painted gold.

  How the hell did she make this much money to afford it?

  After I clean up, I walk out to the living room and see my clothes are still in the heap on the floor. I feel vulnerable being exposed like this in front of Lucian. Even though I jacked myself off in front of a stranger like a teenaged boy! What the hell is wrong with me?

  Before I can even bend over and slip them on, I hear Lucian’s voice. “Leave them.”

  Against my better judgement, I question this. “Uh, I don’t think so…” I align my pants up so I can slip them on over my hips before I see her.

  I’m losing it. I’m really losing myself in whatever this is. I don’t even care anymore how hot Lucian is. I’m beginning to question my own manliness by falling to my knees in front of this woman.

  If I’m so willing to do whatever she wants, how many other guys has she made into little bitches? I’m her little bitch and I let her do this to me.

  What the fuck is wrong with me?

  What is actually wrong with me where I allow a woman to make me feel like shit? Where I allow a woman to boss me around like this?

  Her long hair is out of her ponytail and it is surrounding her face. Her face looks younger like this and it gets me hard all over again. I place my feet in my pants and then pull them back on.