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Adore Me: Mafia Romance (The Lucky Family Book 4) Read online

Page 7

  Vincent wrapped his arms around my back and held me close as I screamed out my orgasm into his mouth. I fell into his chest after the wave was over. His dick thrummed in me as he started to clutch my back tighter. I squeezed my muscles around his dick to give him more pleasure. My body shook as he gripped my back with his fingertips.

  "Baby, you feel so good! I can't... hold... it!" He panted as he emptied himself in me. I dropped my head onto his shoulder and breathed in his scent. Vincent smelled amazing and I missed being this close to him. "Later..." he whispered against my neck.

  "Hey! We are having a party next to this wall!" Jack yelled as he walked in on us. Vincent pulled me off the counter and straightened my dress out. "You guys are sick! It smells like sex in here!"

  "I bet. We just had a party too," Vincent smiled a big one and grabbed my hand to walk me out of the kitchen. Everyone in the party gave me that look like they knew what we were doing.

  Johnny shook his head and looked away from us.

  "Congratulations to everyone! Now we drink!" John replied.

  After three bottles were ingested on each side of the table, the girls came and flocked to me. Some of the girls I have never seen before so that was interesting.

  "Savannah, congratulations!" Each of them said to me and hugged me.

  When Valerie hugged me, I held on tighter so I could ask a question. "What does all this mean?" I whispered into her ear.

  "This is similar to a marriage." I squeezed my fingers into her back. "Next level is you getting a tattoo like we have. Anne is getting hers tonight."

  Chapter 15


  Cave man instincts took over and I excused myself from the party for a little bit. The urge to just throw her over my shoulder and chain her to the bed is so tempting. Huh.

  With a new plan, I headed upstairs to my bedroom to work on my plan. Savannah needs to understand that her place is with me and she can't do this again. My plan isn't too punishing her too much, just to get her where I want her.

  Once in my room, I pulled the covers off the bed and adjusted them neatly at the foot. I plumped up the pillows and aligned them against the headboard.

  Wait! I have a great idea. While walking across my bedroom to the hallway, I noticed people were starting to get louder. I stood in front of the couch room's door and opened it. All of the flowers that I got her were still in their places. With four vases held in my arms, I walked back.

  Slowly and methodically, I plucked petals off each of the roses and scattered them all over the floor and bed. I thought about getting a bath ready to put flowers in, but I thought against it. There isn't a pattern to the flowers that I am throwing around. Once I am satisfied with this, I move on to the main event.

  My closet held a secret and I needed to put them on the bed. After I lit some candles, I went back downstairs.

  I'm stone hard while thinking of this event.

  Chapter 16


  "What?" I flung out of the hug and walked over to Anne. She was talking to Sammy. I grabbed her elbow and pulled here into the bathroom on the first floor. During our separation, I painted this bathroom a pale yellow to get rid of the royal blue. "What is this that I hear you are getting a tattoo?"

  "Yes, isn't it exciting?"

  I tried my best to school my facial expression because I wanted to slap her to make sure she wasn't delusional. "Are you sure you want to have the man's name on you?" With my hands placed on her shoulders, I said: "Tattoos are permanent."

  She nodded and looked like I punched her in the face. I decided to let it go and hugged her. "Let's go back."

  Vincent was standing by the door waiting for me. "Care to dance?" He placed his hand over my elbow as I was walking out of the bathroom.

  "Of course," I let him lead me away to the dance floor.

  We swayed together to the classical music that is playing through the speakers. Vincent had his hand on my lower back and the other hand is wrapped in mine and our joined hands are trapped between our bodies. My free hand is placed on top of his bicep.

  Sleeping to Dream by Jason Mraz started to play, and my beautiful man is singing the lyrics into my ear. I couldn't tell you how surprised I am that he can sing but that accent of his... just melted me like a Popsicle.

  Tears were rolling my cheeks and pressed myself into his shoulder. That song is so romantic that I can't get a hold of my emotions. "Vincent..." I sniffled out in a stutter.

  "What, baby doll?" He whispers in my ear.

  "I am so sorry that I hurt you. I never wanted to hurt you," I whisper with my face still pressed in his shoulder bordering on his chest. My body starts to convulse as my sobbing gets harder. I really hurt him and it’s all my fault. He clearly loves me, and I am just a bitch who can't make up my mind. "I am... I am... so... so... very sorry," I finally am able to push out my apology.

  He leans down into my ear and speaks clearly into it with only a hint of his accent. "Savannah, it hurt this week. I understand why you did it, though." Vincent is trying to get me to raise my face from my cocoon, but I wasn't interested. "Look at me," he says nicely, and I shake my head. "Savannah, I won't ask you again. Look at me." I look up into his eyes which are wet and shiny with unshed tears. "We move forward, baby."

  "I don't deserve you," my words are uttered but I am pretty sure he heard me. He kisses away my tears as we hear another song.

  My face is burning but he kissed my tears away. "Just so you know," he breathes against my cheek, “that's it. You don't get to run anymore. Your ass is mine and its staying with me."

  As the party started to drizzle down and people drifted off, I am sat by myself in the chair that Vincent always sits in. Today as been a racetrack for my emotions and I get to spend time working them out.

  Finally, I feel as if my life is back on course. Ever since I met Vincent, my life's plans have been derailed by spontaneous actions. Oh, man, how I miss order and organization. I'm hoping that since we are giving it a go again, that it means we are ready to leave the bad in the back.

  I watch as Anne and Ronnie are circled by some of the family members and I can't help but smile at how happy she is. One thing that I am curious about, is if he still plans on going legit with his new promotion. Since he is rising on the importance ladder, well as I see it being explained, wouldn't he be punished for leaving? I can only assume that no matter what, a person will be penalized for leaving... but is the punishment for a higher-ranking person more significant? It’s not as if I can ask anyone or get clarification on my theories...

  Two strong hands are placed on my shoulders and they begin to rub. My head rolls forward as Vincent rubs his thumbs against the column of my spine. "Baby doll, why so tense?" His lips brush against my ear and my eyes roll back in my head.

  There isn't a response that I can give that will mean more to him than what I am about to say. "Vincent, I need you..." I moan and he nibbles on my ear lobe.

  Of course, I should have known he would tease me. "How do you need me?"

  I thought about the answer and the answer is so huge that it would take forever to answer him. "Anyway, that I can have you."

  Without saying a word, he walked to the front of the chair and took my hands in his. Once I am on my feet, he leans down and places his arm on the back of knees. His other arm is resting against my back and he starts walking to the foyer with me in the fireman hold. I rest my head against Vincent's shoulder blades and inhale. I love his scent.

  "Lock up when our done," he calls over his shoulder and walks up the stairs. I am surprised that he isn't breathing heavy from carrying up the stairs; I'm not exactly a feather. When we get to the top floor he stops outside the bedroom and sets me down. Vincent spins me so I am facing away from the bedroom door and drops something over my eyes. "Do you trust me?"

  Chapter 17

  My insides and the outside of my body are shaking with anticipation that I nod. He pinches my ass cheek and I know that is his way of telling m
e to use words. I breathe out: "Yes."

  Vincent ties something silky soft around my eyes and once it is secure, he grabs my waist to lead me backwards. "Can you see?"

  Again, I want to nod but I know that a nod won't suffice. "No, I can't see anything. What is-"

  I feel his lips fall on mine and his hands reach around my back to unzip my dress. "Don't question anything. Just feel. Feel me," he breathes against my lips.

  My dress falls in a pool of fabric at my feet and I am so tempted to pick it up, so it doesn't get ruined. And just like that, the dress is forgotten when Vincent licks a trail down my neck to my belly button. Once he licks into my belly button, his hands grip behind my knees and I am airborne.

  Gently, he places me on the bed, and I feel and hear him move away. I contemplate removing my shoes, but I decide against it. Coincidentally, they match my lingerie. Light music begins to play throughout the room and jazz sinks into me.

  Vincent is back over to my side and he lightly trails his fingertips down my arms until he reaches my wrists. Ever so gently, he gathers them in either of his hands and pulls them up. With my sight nonexistent, everything that I am feeling, and hearing is intensified.

  My breathing grew rapid and I felt my chest rise and fall faster. I want to ask questions so badly and I am pretty sure Vincent thought that too. "Shush, baby doll. Let me make you feel." He stretched my arms as far as they would go and something cool and soft touched my wrists. After Vincent tied something to each separately, I tried to move them.

  I know he would not do anything to hurt me, but waves of panic started to flood through me, and I started to fight the restraints. From the lack of mobility, I could gather that he secured each of my wrists in different slots from the headboard. My mouth fell open to protest, but Vincent laid on top of me. "Hey, hey, it’s okay. Just feel. Feel the pleasure that only I can give you. Do you want to stop?"

  Part of me did but the other part of me wanted this. "No, sorry..."

  He climbed off of me and then moved off the bed. When he came back, he gripped my waist and pulled up. Once I am off the bed enough, a pillow or a cushion is shoved there and then he drops me gently back down.

  Ever so slightly, he trails a finger so lightly that it is almost invisible down my legs. Each finger goes a different track between running circles and then zig zags. My skin is so hot and tight that I feel as if I could bust out of it. At my ankles, individually, he picks up my left foot to place a kiss on the inside of my ankle then repeats on the other. Again, something very soft is wrapped around my ankles and then tied to the bed (process of elimination, at least I am pretty sure it’s the end bed frame).

  Selfishly, I thrust my hips up so that he would pay attention to my center, which is begging him to play. In vain, I realize that this evening isn't about what I want him to do, so I plop back onto the cushion.

  A gust of air flows through my section of the bed and then I feel Vincent at my side. "It’s okay, baby, don't worry." He drops a kiss on my lips, and I open them to get him to kiss me more, but he pulls away. I growl at him.

  Something hot and wet dripped onto the cleavage of my breasts and I shrieked. Whatever it is, it’s not burn-your-skin-hot more like let’s get-you-hot-and-bothered hot. The liquid hardened on my skin making me even more wet if that were possible. My body... my skin... everything is super charged.

  "Don't move," came the stern directions. I felt a cool metal follow the trail of the wax (I figured it out due to its hardening and scent) and tickle the valley between my boobs. The first snip I heard made me want to jump but I didn't. A few more snips and my boobs are spilling out from their confines. The scissors lightly traced from the bottom of where my bra used to be, down my belly until it reached my very expensive underwear. When the metal touched my highly sensitive skin on my mound, Vincent cut a little bit and then ripped. My lace thong didn't stand a chance against his determination.

  Another trail of wax hit my chest and traveled down my stomach. I felt the heat from his mouth and then the wetness from his tongue shortly after. He licked down the track and then continued licking until he reached my sex.

  "You have no idea how fucking sexy you are. All spread out..." his tongue dipped into my slit and I let out a scream, "waiting for me..." Vincent licked from the top of my mound through my intimate lips and down to my almost virginal hole. "Baby, this is so so sexy. Your pussy tastes so good." He licked again and I cried out. "What's wrong?" He teased me with his fingers and his tongue on my clit.

  I am not opposed to begging. "Please... I hurt... help me," I whispered, and I thrashed my head from side to side.

  Vincent placed his lips over my clit and sucked. My hips wanted to move but didn't. "Stay still," he whispered against me.

  A cold wet liquid slipped over my secret hole and then he pressed his finger against it. "Push against the pressure," he advised as he took his mouth off from me. When my barrier is breached, I felt discomfort and extreme arousal. I whimpered when his tongue traced my clit and his fingers were working me in different holes. "Hold on," he whispers against me.

  Vincent moved his finger out of my secret place and dribbled lube over my sex and it dipped down to my other hole. A cold a foreign object prodded at the freshly lubed spot and it slowly went in. I couldn't help my shriek as if pushed through every barricade that my almost virginal hole shot up. Once it was all the way in, the discomfort turned into pleasure and he took back up making love to my sex with his mouth.

  Suddenly, the trail of the lube started to heat up and I moaned even louder. A vibration took place throughout my lower half and I couldn't help my scream as I got closer to my climax. His tongue worked me over and so did his finger.

  "Oh shit!" I tried to fight against the restraints and when I couldn't I screamed again.

  My sex grew cold as soon as his mouth left me and the only feeling I had been in my secret place. I am so close to orgasm that my thighs are trying to rub together to help end the ache. "No!" I yelled at the top of my lungs as I felt his fingers grab whatever is in my ass. Vincent started to pump it in and out.

  "No, no, no! You're not going to come for a while so stop your begging."

  Tears flooded behind my blindfold. "Why can't I come?" I whimpered and I felt my lips quiver as my arms and legs fought more.

  Something slipped over my ears and soft music started to play. The music then turned to this sexually charged beat that just made me want to hump Vincent. I began to open my mouth to question what was happening, but I felt his finger hook in my mouth to open it.

  A couple of his fingers gripped the earphone that is resting over my left ear and his lips touched my ear. "You need to learn," Vincent slipped a finger into my hole which bumped whatever is driving me mad and plundered in and out, "that you can't run from me. Feel this pleasure?" He danced his fingers out and tickled my clit with my juices then pushed and pulled the butt plug (I am assuming that is what it is). "Remember this next time. Now, keep your mouth open and you're gonna suck me really good."

  Holy.... wow... Who knew this could be so hot? Vincent has never done anything like this, and I feel like I am going to explode. Can a person die from too much pleasure? My body is humming and singing out loud every time anything caresses me.

  The hot meaty head of Vincent's hard and thick dick is pressed against my lips and I open my mouth farther to welcome him. I wish I had the use of my arms so I could really give him a show, but I will just have to make do. I hollow out my cheeks and suck hard on the head and then lick around the circumference. I use this technique a few times before I take him all the way in.

  I love being surrounded by his scent and his body heat.

  My throat begins to relax as I bob my head up and back down in order to swallow him. The music continues to drive me on and encourages me to pleasure him even more. I poor my heart into pleasuring him in order to be him something to remember me by. I could feel my body screaming for release as I licked up and down his shaft. When I felt more com
fortable, I unsheathed my teeth and swallowed his whole dick and then I dragged my mouth up. Instead of using my tongue, I used my teeth gently along the underside of his cock.

  A whimper fell out of my mouth as he withdrew from it. Was I too rough? I could feel his thighs shaking so I know he must have gotten some pleasure from it. My mouth popped open to ask if I hurt him except, I never got any words out. Something pressed against my lips to keep them closed. A slight wave of panic flooded through me as I thought about three out of five senses have been lost.

  My hips dived up when I felt his finger tickle my clit. Vincent's other hand teased with the vibrating butt plug and the music is driving me past desperation. I moaned against the gag covering my mouth and helplessly tried to break the restraints. I am so close to coming that it feels as if I don't come, I could die.