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Adore Me: Mafia Romance (The Lucky Family Book 4) Page 8

  I felt his hot and wet mouth kiss down my torso which stopped above my mound and he took his hand away. The butt plug is still on super vibrations and that in itself is going to send me into orbit.

  In one quick thrust, Vincent pushed himself inside of my hole and made the plug move more in the back hole. I have smelled his spicy cologne and musky scent as he works himself in and out of my immobile body. The dives into my sex are so powerful that my eyes feel like they are going cross eyed. My thighs are resting on the top of his and he is driving himself hard and fast into me that I cry a muffled yell.

  My body shakes as I come so hard. Waves of pleasure and hot coils sprung a part in me. The intense feeling didn't stop once it started but continued on with each movement from Vincent. My orgasm turns into orgasms and my legs start to hurt and cramp from not trying to jump off the bed. The music blocks all noises, but I know I am screaming as the second climax turns into the third.

  Vincent pushes himself into me four more times in rapid pace until he collapses on top of me. My mind is vaguely aware as he unties my hands and then feet. After they are free, he takes turn rubbing life into my arms and then legs. When he's done, he moves to my feet where he unties them and then gradually rubs his hands on my legs until he gets to the plug. A quick yank and I'm free from my taboo pleasure. Next, he removes my earphones, blindfold and gag.

  I have drifted off to sea.

  Chapter 18

  I awoke in Vincent's bed. His arm was draped around my waist. As I backed into his stomach to snuggle closer, I noticed that he put my necklace on me that I took off when we broke up, along with the bracelet. It felt so natural to have these back on me and I felt full. A good full that meant happy and content. Something that I have heard of but never expected it to be true.

  Last night was... yeah, I don't have words to describe it. I've never experienced that type of pleasure before. Only in books have I heard of this amount of ecstasy being delivered. Every time I moved, I felt where he was last night. There is some aches and pains through my muscles but nothing too unbearable. My lower body feels him the most, where the butt plug was is very tender. I would do this again in a heartbeat.

  As I yawned, my jaw felt tender and I rolled to look at my alarm clock. After looking at the clock, I knew that I needed to get ready for work.

  "Hey, where are you going?" Vincent asked as I slipped out of his hold.

  "I need to go get ready." Even though I said it, I snuggled back into his hold and let out a sigh of content.

  "Baby, you're so perfect as I knew you would be." He rained kisses all over my neck and wraps his arm around my waist. "Did I hurt you?" When I shook my head, I knew it was time to get up to go to work. "You know you don't have to work, if you didn't want to."

  "Yeah right," I walked into the bathroom and turned on the shower. My eyes were puffy from falling asleep with my makeup on and my eyelashes felt sticky. I jumped into the shower, and let the hot water wash away everything. Maybe Vincent has kept my shower stuff in here after I left, because when I looked down all of my shower stuff were aligned.

  I dried off with a plush yellow towel and wrapped it around my body. Shit. My clothes are still in my old room.

  "Good morning, baby doll," Vincent is shaving his face and he caught my glare as I scanned his body. With him leaning over the sink, I hugged him from behind and kissed his spine. It felt so domesticating to do these mundane activities together.

  My old room still held all of my clothes. What to wear? I decided on a pencil skirt suit that is a charcoal grey and a pin stripe pink button down. Once I was dressed, I ran the brush through my hair and slapped on a little makeup. A quick look in the mirror and my look suggested that I should wear black wedges.

  Wha la! I am ready.


  Something that I wondered while I was at work today is what does Vincent do? He must do something legit to bring in money, I would think. Clearly you can't claim your illegal business on your taxes. I racked my brain as Anne showed me her tattoo.

  Ronnie's name was faded into the dice and it looked really good. From what Anne was saying, is that it hurt.

  "How much longer until it heals?" I asked as I shifted through a file of a penthouse that we just sold. I have been waiting for Carlo to call us back to give us the go ahead to make an offer on a penthouse with a beautiful view.

  "Anywhere from two to three weeks. It itches really bad!" She whined as she answered her phone. After Anne hung up her phone, she looked me over. "Your hair is shinier, and you have a big smile on your face. Ohmigod. You had some kinky sex!"

  My cheeks flushed and my breathing picked up. "Um... okay, I can't lie to you. It was amazing!"

  My best girlfriend launched herself over the room and sat on my desk in front of me. "Tell me everything! Don't even leave out any information. None!"

  Part of me didn't want to say anything out loud so I can continue to live with my fantasy, but the sex was phenomenal, and I had to brag. "He tied me to the bed and then blindfolded me, covered my ears and mouth. It was so hot! I never knew I could come that hard and that many times," I whispered the last sentence as I remember that we are at work.

  "Holy fuck. That sounds so hot. How many times did you guys bang?"

  I let out a snort and then dropped my mouth as I stared at her. "Bang? Jesus, Anne, how old are you?" She shrugged and I continued. "Once, but I think my body is overworked enough."

  Chapter 19

  Over the next couple of weeks, my life developed a schedule. I would go to work every day (I needed to catch up on paperwork, so my weekends were shot) and then come home to eat dinner with Vincent. Stella is a fantastic cook and always had a nice spread ready for us.

  There were some nights that I would eat alone because Vincent was busy doing whatever it is, he does. Those nights, more often than not, I would fall asleep by myself, but I always woke up wrapped in my man. He didn't wake me up when he got home but I always fell asleep curled in his spot. I loved the smell of his side of the bed and the way it felt to be wrapped up in his scent.

  Anne and my workload picked up dramatically and we were selling and listing properties all over Manhattan. Between our workload, I even managed to help Anne finish unpacking. We were both very excited about how well we were doing that we are even trying to plan a trip. Which is what we were doing on a Thursday in the office.

  "I don't know about going out of state... where we would go?" Anne looked over at me and twirled her hair around her finger. She looked as beautiful as always in a spandex-y dress that flowed all over her body. Even without makeup, she still is stunning.

  With my lips pursed, I thought about where to go... "Maybe we can do a spa trip or something. Get pampered and come back feeling refreshed and new." Personally, I thought the plan sounded genius. Hell, I want to go now.

  She spun in her chair and kicked her shoes off after she stopped in front of her desk. "Yeah, that does sound fun. I think we should leave the guys at home though. I need some best friend time."

  I raised my hands and did "spirit fingers" with them to show my excitement. "That sounds like so much fun. We can get a nice suite with maybe a pool in it or something!"

  "Vans, what is your obsession with pools?" She balled up some paper and chucked it at me.

  "What, I love to swim."

  She rolled her eyes and looked at her ringing phone. "Yeah, we know which I is why don't swim in your pool. You nasty." Anne picked up her and did her greeting. "Anne Thomas- Rossi... Okay... Yes, of course... She is right here... Yes, she will be there."

  I pushed a pile of files out of my way and glared at her over my laptop. "What?"

  My best friend shrugged an put her hands out in the universal I don't know gesture. "Vans, Sammy wants you to come meet him now. He is downstairs."

  "What now?" I whined as I picked up my purse and keys. The building was busy, and I was slightly angry that I had to leave to do whatever this was supposed to be. I am just getting to the point
where my work is getting caught up.

  "Hello," Sammy said as I walked out of the building and over to his car. "Please, get in."

  "What is this?" I asked as I buckled my seat belt and pulled out my phone. "This better not be one of those things where I get shot or drugged, right?"

  Since he didn't laugh, I can only assume my sense of humor is not appreciated here. Tough crowd. "We will discuss it when we get to the club," he pulled away from the curb and drove a mile down the road before saying anything to me. "Please, we need to talk. Did you want me to call Moretti?"

  I climbed out of the huge SUV and grabbed my purse. "Well, I am not sure what is happening. So, it’s up to you." With a shrug, I followed him.

  We walked into the club and up the stairs to a secret room that needed a code to get in. He offered me a drink, but I turned it down. Frustration is rolling around in me and I just want to know why I am here. "Sammy, I really don't have the time to play games. What is going on?" I sat on the chair in front of the desk.

  He took a breath and then let everything out. "The doctors from the hospital here called the detectives who arrested you. Now those detectives want you to give a statement about what happened to you."

  I sat silent and didn't know what to say. In the back of my mind I have been wondering when this would happen. No matter what happens, I always end up on their radar. Thankfully, I knew that Sammy would tell me what I needed to say.

  It was almost as if he were silent to figure out my reaction and all I wanted to do was scream and run away. "The man that shot you has paid for your hospital bills. Now, I am asking you to not talk to the cops about what happened. We will handle this through our own methods. You can't talk to the cops because it will create a bigger problem."

  Can I get away with hiding under the bed? That's all I want to do; pull the blankets over the edge and wait for this to pass. "What are you asking me to do?" I wish I would have taken the drink.

  Sammy has the amazing ability to remain unaffected and I want so badly to possess that skill. I feel as if I am too emotional with all of this and I just know that I need to stop being that way. He takes a drink and then looks at me. "Do not talk to anyone no matter what. I am asking you to give me the power to answer for you in this circumstance. I will promise to not ruin anything for you. This will go away."

  At times like these, I wish I would have said that I wanted Vincent here. I want him to hold me and make this all go away. "What does Vincent think?"

  "Pop doesn't have any say in this. This is between you and me. You are my client, and I have your privilege to speak for you?"

  I am very surprised that he isn't getting frustrated with me by how much trouble I have caused. "Yes. You can. Please just tell me what you say to them so I can collaborate."

  "We need to go to the station now. Are you able to leave work for the day?"

  A day. Great. I have been gone for a week and now I have to miss a day. I wonder why these people don't understand that I have a job and bills.

  I took out my phone and called Anne. She answered on the first ring.

  "Is everything all right?" She spoke so fast into the phone.

  "Yes, I need to take the afternoon off. Could you call Carlo and let him know that they accepted his offer?"

  "Yes, call me later," she hung up and I got out of my chair to follow Sammy.

  "This shouldn't take too long at the station."

  That's good because I have a life. All right, my life has only recently got interesting. I still have things to do though.


  "Hello, Ms. Cavanaugh. What a surprise," the detective shook my hand and motioned to a seat.

  Sammy and I sat next to each other and I have been advised to not say anything. However, I have been advised to smile and nod at the right parts. I am Sammy's puppet and I am only to do or say what he makes me.

  "Well, detective. What were you wanting to discuss?" Sammy started. Crap. This is crazy. Last time I spoke with a cop I confessed to a murder.

  I stare at him and notice that he looks very familiar. Where have I seen him before? I would think that since he is a police officer, I would recognize him, but I am coming up with nothing.

  "We want to know why she keeps popping up. Now she has been shot at a wedding. What do you have to say about this?"

  "It’s a very simple case of being at the wrong place at the wrong time. My client was walking into the house to get more wine for the reception. On her way, there was a man that was angry at someone else and he took out his gun. The someone else shot his gun back at the man. With the fireworks happening to celebrate the wedding and the gun just misfired."

  The pen in his hand is pushed and scribbled all over the paper that he is writing notes on. "Is that what happened?" The detective directed at me. I nodded. Again, the pen is traveling over the paper. "This story doesn't make that much sense. Who were these men shooting at each other? Why would they be at a wedding? Counselor, I respect you but don't insult me. I know better than this." He drops his pen on the paper and adjusts his tie.

  "These two men were supposedly fighting over a woman. You understand what happens when men try to come up with a conclusion while drinking? Plus, when weapons were involved."

  "Counselor, are you wanting to press charges against the man who shot her?" The cop sounds so invested in what happened and it was then that I remembered him. At Anne's wedding, there were several guests that Anne and I couldn't place, but this cop was definitely there. In fact, I believe he even did a toast.

  I stared at Sammy and I then tapped his arm. I gestured to talking to him outside and he finally got it. "If you excuse us, I need to talk to my client in private."

  As soon as we were out of the room, Sammy spun on me. "What did I say?"

  I recoiled against the door and took a deep breath. "This is not an ordinary cop! He was at Anne's wedding. I think he is keeping track of me in a weird way."

  My lawyer stood there in front of me and many emotions passed his face. "All right. This is what we need to do." He pulled me by my arm towards the exit. "There isn't a camera over here," he must have known my unspoken question. "We are going to go back in there and diffuse the situation. There has been some inner family issues and I need to know if he is a part of it."

  We walked back into the room and I sat next to Sammy. Again, I was his puppet and I didn't say or do anything unless I was advised to do so.

  My attorney didn't wait for a second before diffusing the bomb. "No. We have already devised a plan. The man who shot her has paid her hospital bills and has agreed to keep his distance."

  The pen is again pushed around on the paper. "What made you think that you could come up with these rules when there wasn't a magistrate?" The detective looked angry as he looked from my face to Sammy's.

  "Why would we waste the taxpayer’s money for something that we solved in a matter of ten minutes? I think the only reason why you are angry is because you were expecting this to be a bigger issue than it actually is. Are we done?" Sammy picked his briefcase up while standing. Once he was up, he pulled my chair out and helped me out of it.

  "If things change, Ms. Cavanaugh, please let us know."

  I smiled and walked out of the interrogation room with Sammy. We had to check out with a guard who took my purse. I waited for him to bring it to me before I spoke to Sammy.

  As we walked out, it was obvious that Sammy didn't want to talk about it until we were in private.

  "We are going to go to the club. Let's go," Sammy put his arm around my shoulder and we walked the two blocks that it took to get to the club.

  Before we got to the club, I noticed that Joel's parents were in front of a store putting a new couch in their truck. I wasn't sure if I should avoid them or embrace them. What is the polite thing to do when you come across your ex in laws?

  While I was trying to decide, Joel's mother spotted me. She ran up in front of me and threw her arms around my shoulders. "Savannah, it has been too long! How
are you?" Katherine pulled me out of the hug and scanned my body. "My son is crazy! You are beautiful. Hey, sweetheart! Look its Savannah!"

  Sammy tensed next to me and rubbed my elbow. "Is everything all right?" He asked and looked around.

  "Yes, of course! These are Joel's parents. Katherine, Jim, this is my friend Sammy." I introduced everyone and smiled. I looked at Sammy and motioned for him to leave. "It’s all right. I will be in a few," he hugged me, and I lightly hugged him back before he left to inside.

  "Our son is stupid. You look more and more gorgeous every time we see you. How is everything going with you?" Jim asked as I hugged him tightly.